Chapter 26

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"How confident are you in this matter?" Huai En sipped his tea, speaking slowly.

"We can almost be certain that we've seen that girl no less than three times before. She was still young then, but one could already tell she was a person, bearing a striking resemblance to her father. After the Xue family was annihilated, we arrived only to find the body of the Xue family's youngest daughter missing. That's when we started to suspect."

"Let's investigate this matter first, and keep it from my father for now."


"How's the search for the item you were tasked with finding?"

"As the young master predicted, nothing suspicious was found in the bedrooms or study of the Jin couple."

"Right, if that item was meant to be hidden, it definitely wouldn't be left where others could easily find it. We don't need to search aimlessly like headless flies. It's better to wait until we know where it is before making a move."

"Young Master..." Youying hesitated, "I know you stayed behind with this goal in mind, but when can we actually get it? Are we just going to wait indefinitely? The sect leader has instructed you to personally escort back the item obtained from Prince Shen as soon as possible, to avoid complications."

"I have my own considerations for that. Zong Zheng Han was not lightly injured last time; we should be able to enjoy some peace for a while. Plus, I'm also not yet recovered. It wouldn't necessarily be safe to hit the road now, and the Jin residence won't delay me for too long." Huai En's eyes twinkled with an indescribable gleam.

"Do you already have a plan, Young Master?"

"Not yet, but..." Huai En didn't finish his sentence, and Youying, growing impatient, suggested, "Young Master, why bother with such complications? If we kidnap that debauched young master and threaten the Jin family, they value this son the most, don't they?"

"Zuo Ying!"

Realizing his mistake, Youying quickly knelt down to apologize.

Huai En glanced at him, saying indifferently, "That Su Yun is not to be underestimated. Before he left, not only did he leave behind several experts, but he also secretly arranged for shadow guards. In just three days, he's placed quite a few people around the Jin residence and within Suzhou City. If we were to do as you suggest, leaving here would become even more difficult. The worst-case scenario would be alarming Zong Zheng Han."

After a moment of contemplation, Huai En continued, "Su Yun is heading to the south of Yunnan, surely to seek out his maternal grandfather, the Li Qin Prince. He must already know who I am. The Li Qin Prince, remote from the emperor and having withdrawn from politics for many years, had no interaction with my father. But if he were to intervene, my father's chances would be even slimmer. Has the message already been sent to the leader?"

"Yes, it should have already arrived by now."

"Good, this matter can only be left to him to worry about. You two, hurry and investigate that Jin Xiao Yu. She might just be our opportunity."



Zuo Ying had barely left when the brave and fearless Jin Da Shao, holding a delicate small porcelain bottle, gracefully arrived, presenting it to Huai En with a beaming smile upon seeing him.

Huai En glanced at it but did not accept it.

Xiao Bao explained, "Yesterday when you... um... threw me into the pond, I noticed blood seeping from your sleeve. I remember you were injured here, quite deeply," he gestured to his arm, "Hasn't it healed yet?"

Huai En was somewhat surprised, not expecting him to be so attentive.

With a face full of eager flattery, Xiao Bao moved closer, speaking tenderly, "This medicine is really effective; it'll heal in three days. I understand if you're shy and angry with me, but hurting yourself pains me more than you know. Don't do this again. Come, let me apply it for you?"

Huai En was disgusted, any inexplicable fondness vanishing instantly, as he snatched the medicine and pushed him away.

Xiao Bao stumbled from the push, but not easily discouraged, he pressed on, "Huai En, don't be like this. You must be misunderstanding me; why else would you repeatedly reject my kindness? I simply like you, is it wrong for me to feel this way?"

Huai En, infuriated by his shamelessness, found it impossible to maintain his composure against such brazenness, "Have you no shame? After being rejected by a man like me... do you have no dignity at all?"

Xiao Bao's expression shifted but he held back his anger, internally cursing, "You fucking sissy dare to challenge me on this? I like you, but not to the point of ruining you. Patience is key to grand plans. Just you wait, I'll make sure you experience it too, unforgettable for a lifetime."

Although Xiao Bao thought bitterly about hurting Huai En, he couldn't bear the thought of actually causing him distress. Thus, he still hoped to win over Huai En's heart, despite being sexually frustrated and tormented by his unattainable desire. Yet, he dared not act as he had initially planned, fearing Huai En's hatred and indifference, which would doom any chance of closeness between them forever. Above all, he feared Huai En might retaliate, especially in Su Jin's absence, leaving him feeling utterly insecure about committing any misdeeds.

If word got out that Jin Da Shao was reduced to such a sorry state over someone, he could kiss his reputation goodbye.

The desires inside him became increasingly uncontrollable; he was tempted to take a risk...

Xiao Bao took a deep breath, trying to gross Huai En out as a way to vent, "You say I have no shame, but I saw you that day... you seemed pretty addicted too."

This truly infuriated Huai En, who grabbed Xiao Bao by the collar and pushed him against the wall, "Say that again."

Huai En, forgetting to maintain distance, was almost pressing against him. Xiao Bao's nostrils were filled with Huai En's faint body scent. It wasn't exactly fragrant, but it was fresh and pleasant. Fantasizing about the person before him daily, such a minor stimulation had an immediate effect on Xiao Bao. Huai En, sensing this subtle change, instantly threw him away as if electrocuted.

Xiao Bao, for who knows how many times, hit the ground with his back. While the outcome wasn't surprising, he was still shocked, eyes and mouth wide open.

There was no mistake just now; he's a man, and that reaction was all too familiar to him. He felt Huai En's...

If Xiao Bao got hard from Huai En's closeness, what about Huai En?

Sitting up, Xiao Bao was so surprised he forgot to cry out in pain, staring at him.

Huai En, embarrassed and annoyed by his questioning look, felt like steam was coming out of his head, unsure whether he was angrier at the shameless man before him or at himself for reacting to such shamelessness...

Xiao Bao snapped back to reality, noticing his expression and realizing something was wrong, scrambled towards the door, about to shout.

Huai En, with lightning speed, dragged him back. Xiao Bao, failing to escape, opened his mouth to shout his lucky charm, but Huai En, anticipating this, silenced him and stepped on his chest, burning with rage as he looked down at him.

Xiao Bao was dumbfounded, unable to understand why Huai En was so angry. It was just a mutual bump; he had bumped into him without permission for a day, nearly costing him his life, and he hadn't held it against him.

But Huai En was obviously not as easygoing, grinding his foot on Xiao Bao's solid frame, pondering how to deal with this libertine. If it weren't for his indecent assault, how could he lose face to this person? Just the familiar scent of this man had caused him to... With pride higher than the sky, how could he swallow this humiliation before the person he despised the most?

He decided, without killing Xiao Bao, to teach him a lesson he'd never forget, ensuring he'd never harbor inappropriate thoughts towards him again!

Kipzi - Oh boy

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