Chapter 17

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Xiao Bao had been staying here for about four or five days, yet this was the first time he knew what it looked like outside.

Though it paled in comparison to his lavish Jin Mansion, the pavilions and towers were meticulously grand, exuding a distinct style reminiscent of Huai En's.

With Youying leading the way, Xiao Bao suddenly asked, "Where's your young master?"

"The young master..."Youying carefully chose his words, "has returned."

"Returned where?"

"It's inconvenient for Jin Young Master to know,"Youying replied indifferently.

Xiao Bao glared at him from behind, "Who exactly is your young master?"

Ying glanced back at him but remained silent.

So, it's inconvenient to know, huh? Hmph.

Xiao Bao fell silent too, thinking to himself that he'd go to the number one information broker in the jianghu, throw a few tens of thousands of silver at him, and dig up everything about your ancestors.

Once he finds out exactly who that little demoness is, whether she's someone to mess with, and to what extent, then he could slowly plan his revenge. Damn it, deciding whether she's someone he could provoke was set in stone; after all, this was the golden behind of the Jin Money Gang's young master. Did you really think it was an ant's nest, that you could just poke it and then everything would be peaceful once you ran away? Watch me not kill you.

Despite such vicious thoughts, Xiao Bao secretly looked forward to seeing Huai En again. He couldn't articulate his feelings, thinking it quite despicable of himself to be plotting revenge, giving himself an out, ultimately claiming a moral victory. Quickly, Xiao Bao started planning to head home and pick out a few good-looking boys to train some unique skills, unafraid of not being able to discipline that brat thoroughly.

Xiao Bao was startled when he saw Zhao Cai and Jin Bao, both with bruised faces, rushing at him like dogs spotting meat buns.

"What... What happened?" Xiao Bao felt pity; these two dog servants were his men. Who had beaten them up like this? He thought, aside from his father, who else could have done this?

The two hesitated, giving him a look of grievance.

"Alright, alright, I got it." Xiao Bao felt guilty. If he hadn't been disobedient, insisting on finding a "wife" and rushing to save someone from fire and water, would these two dog servants have ended up like this? Moreover, would he have suffered that fate? Thinking it over, it was deserved, indeed!

Feeling somewhat remorseful, Xiao Bao gently touched their faces, "I'm sorry, guys. I promise I won't run off recklessly next time."

Tears streamed down their faces as they hugged him and started wailing, "Young master, it's okay for us to take a beating, but don't scare us like that. We thought something had happened to you. When we arrived at the riverbank, all we saw was blood and a pile of torn clothes. Young master, you almost scared us to death!!!"

Xiao Bao patted their shoulders, comforting them while pondering about the blood and torn clothes, wondering if the two idiots had thought of something they shouldn't have.

After their crying subsided, they began inspecting Xiao Bao's body, "Young master, are you hurt? Where are you injured?"

Xiao Bao pushed them away, waving his hand, "It's nothing serious, just some minor injuries. They've mostly healed in the past two days."

The two looked at him suspiciously, nodding. Zhao Cai asked, "What about Miss Zheng?"

"Miss Zheng... ah..." Xiao Bao gritted his teeth, "alive...!!"

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