Chapter 98

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"Boss, give me a room, prepare a basin of bathwater, and some dishes. Please send them to my room later."

The boss took the silver ingot, weighed it, and immediately smiled, agreeing enthusiastically.

Xiao Bao then tossed a cloth bag onto the table. "This is the medicine I need. Please have someone prepare it for me and bring it to me after dinner."

The boss called for the waiter to escort Xiao Bao to his room.

Sitting on the bed, Xiao Bao removed his hat, revealing a weary face.

He had secretly left the Su family a few days ago, without informing Zhao Cai or Jin Bao, his parents, and headed towards Chifeng Cliff.

Dali wasn't too far from Chifeng Cliff. Under normal circumstances, it would take ten days to reach there, or seven to eight days if traveling faster. Xiao Bao had been traveling almost non-stop, hoping to arrive before Huai En was attacked.

He had pushed himself to go as fast as possible, but he knew he couldn't outpace Huai En or Su Yin. The exertion was starting to take its toll on him. Yet, staying in Dali and constantly worrying about Huai En's fate was even more tormenting.

He didn't want to delve into his thoughts right now, but the more he thought about it, the more agitated he became. All he knew was that he couldn't accept Huai En's death and that he had to stop Su Yin at all costs.

He had no idea what chaos his sudden disappearance had caused at the Su residence, or how long Zhao Cai or Jin Bao could keep it from his parents. They must have started searching for him by now.

Thus, he needed to move faster, avoid attracting attention, and find Huai En or Su Yin as soon as possible.

Lying on the bed, Xiao Bao tapped his sore thighs, staring at the inn's rough roof, his nose tingling.

These past few days, he hadn't been eating or sleeping well. His eyes were a bit blurry, and his joints were constantly aching. He didn't know how much longer he could endure or how far he could go.

After gripping the stiff rope for several hours, his fingers were so shaky that he couldn't even hold chopsticks.

Xiao Bao glanced at the nearly untouched food on the table and felt utterly useless.

His gaze drifted to the medicine bowl on the table, faintly steaming.

It needed to be consumed hot; it would be even less palatable once it cooled.

With a sigh, Xiao Bao climbed off the bed, cradled the bowl in both hands, closed his eyes, and gulped down several mouthfuls.

Abruptly, he hurled the bowl to the floor and dropped to his knees, retching violently.

The taste was revolting, the bitterness causing his stomach to convulse. Already empty, his stomach forcefully expelled its contents. He was left completely drained, collapsing onto the floor.

His vision spun, the room blurring around him. Xiao Bao hazily recalled Huai En's words before departing. "Xiao Bao, I might not return this time... I might die there."

Did you know all along...

While Xiao Bao raced towards Chifeng Cliff, the Su household in Dali descended into chaos.

Xiao Bao's disappearance was only noticed two days later.

It should not have been so delayed, but when Zhao Cai returned from an errand and intended to check on his young master, he was dissuaded by Que Siming.

Que Siming claimed to have added mild sedatives to Xiao Bao's medicine due to his recent sleep troubles. Convinced that Xiao Bao would be unable to focus on practicing the Nuanxin Jing properly, Que Siming advised against disturbing him.

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