Chapter 8

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Xiaobao swallowed hard, a grimace on his face as he turned to kneel and bow. "Lord Shen, I had no idea you were here, my apologies, my apologies."

Back when the Shen estate organized a trade fair in their fiefdom, he had gone with his father. He was only about fourteen or fifteen then. Lord Shen, lofty and unreachable, would never have bothered with him. Back then, he thought the lord was so heroic and impressive, the concubines by his side so beautiful and tempting, he nearly idolized the lord. Now, the once awe-inspiring idol was initiating conversation with him, and he couldn’t feel less pleased, sensing nothing good would come of it.

Sure enough, after a brief “no need for formalities,” Lord Shen’s gaze didn’t even pause on him, instead circling around Huai En.

Xiaobao cursed the old lecher in his heart, but had to exchange pleasantries with the lord who wouldn’t even give him a direct look.

It didn’t take long for Lord Shen to steer the conversation towards Huai En. "Young Master Jin, it's been widely rumored in Suzhou that you've brought back a woman of unparalleled beauty from somewhere. The news has even reached me in Qingzhou. I've hurried here overnight without stop, partly for the final performance of the Joyous Troupe, and also to catch a glimpse of the legendary beauty."

Xiaobao forced a smile. "You flatter me, Lord. I was just out on an errand when I happened upon Miss Zheng being harassed by bandits. I rescued her without a second thought. Miss Zheng was quite shaken, so she's been recuperating in Suzhou for a few days. I plan to escort her home soon."

"Oh? And where might Miss Zheng’s home be? I'll be staying in Suzhou for a few days myself. If it's on the way, I'd be willing to escort Miss Zheng," Lord Shen said, his words dripping with flirtation, which grated on Xiaobao.

"I couldn’t possibly trouble you, Lord. I'll personally ensure Miss Zheng gets home safely. My father always taught me to see things through to the end."

"In that case, I won't insist. Miss Zheng is refined and elegant, not only in appearance but also in demeanor, surely from a family of scholars. Though I am but a warrior, I occasionally indulge in the finer things. Perhaps Miss Zheng would honor me with her company for a drink tonight? My residence in Suzhou is not far from here."

Lord Shen extended his hand elegantly, his eyes gleaming, fixed unwaveringly on Huai En, who had remained coldly detached from start to finish.

"Lord... Lord Shen, I fear it’s inappropriate. Miss Zheng has been through a lot and needs plenty of rest..."

At the slight raise of Lord Shen's eyebrow and a cursory glance, Xiaobao immediately silenced himself, intimidated.

Huai En inwardly cursed the uselessness, glaring coldly at Zong Zheng Lihan, wondering what trick he was trying to play. He spoke calmly, "Thank you for your kindness, Lord, but I am indeed tired and wish to return and rest immediately."

"Tired? Well, that works out perfectly. My residence is much closer than the inn where Miss Zheng is staying. Perhaps Miss Zheng could rest nearby…"

Xiaobao internally blasted Lord Shen for his shamelessness in attempting to steal someone's love and even investigating where they were staying, clearly prepared and utterly disgraceful. Unable to bear it any longer and not caring that he was offending a true lord, he blurted out, "Lord Shen, I fear that's inappropriate. Miss Zheng and I are mutually in love and have already pledged ourselves to each other, merely awaiting my formal proposal. For an unmarried lady to casually rest at your lordship's residence would tarnish Miss Zheng's reputation and also harm your lordship's esteemed name."

Instantly, the atmosphere froze to below zero, and everyone around didn't dare to breathe too loudly. The onlookers exchanged panicked glances, not knowing what to do. Huai En clenched his lips, holding back her anger, while Lord Shen's expressionless face hinted at an impending storm. Xiaobao, on the other hand, instantly sobered up, feeling as if he had plunged into icy waters, realizing the gravity of his impulsive words.

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