Chapter 70

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Su Yin's sharply arched eyebrows instantly furrowed.

The Red Demon Flower, known as the Da Li Flame, is a rare and coveted item, said to be nourished by the blood of an ancient Flame Demon in legends. Extremely hot to the touch, it's reputed to be the most potent when used in poisons capable of reducing bones to ashes, making it the perfect antidote to cold poison. The Da Li Flame blooms only once every seven years, making it exceedingly precious. Securing even one is as challenging as scaling the heavens, let alone seven.

"Is this the only way?" Su Yin asked, not quite ready to give up.

Que Siming glared at him. "Nonsense."

Su Yin picked up the clothes of Xiao Bao from the ground, gesturing for him to get dressed, while he stood up, gazing at Xiao Bao with a concentrated expression.

Xiao Bao turned to look at him too. Although he did not understand what was being discussed, the troubled expression on the usually unflappable Su Yin told him it must be a daunting task.

Su Yin patted him on the back of the head, "What’s with that look? I'll definitely get it for you, haven't I always kept my word?"

Xiao Bao forced a smile, suppressing the bitterness in his heart, "Su Yin, you really are something."

"I told you I would cure you, and I will," Su Yin said calmly. "Be brave, endure the pain. We're all here with you. If you give up on yourself, I won't let you off."

Xiao Bao nodded and joked with a laugh, "Then you’d better hurry, or I'll end up paralyzed in ten or twenty years."

Su Yin frowned and glared at him. Xiao Bao didn't mind and just laughed. What was there to worry about? He was merely voicing what could very well happen, seemingly becoming bolder within just a month. But aside from growing bolder, what choice did he have? Even if he was reluctant, he had to admit that his sincere efforts were thoroughly trampled. No matter his worries or fears, the cold poison would not simply vanish. Despite his cowardly rejection of tomorrow, time would not stop for him.

Su Yin turned to Que Siming, "I know my grandfather has one of the plants. I guess the Tang Clan might have one; they've always loved collecting rare poisons, though I can't be sure..."

Que Siming waved his hand dismissively, "I can assure you, the Tang Clan definitely has it. They are just too stingy. I merely borrowed a few things, and they chased me for four years. Whether you can get it or not depends on whether your father, the leader of the martial alliance, is willing to step in."

Su Yin nodded, "The one from the Tang Clan is a must for me. Any other leads?"

"The imperial palace should have one, maybe more. But it's unrealistic to think about entering without guidance; you'd get lost in there. Even without considering the threat from the imperial guards, finding the Da Li Flame alone would be a huge effort."

"I'll figure something out."

"The last option is to go directly to Chi Feng Mountain and pick it. It's up to your luck if you can find it among the vast mountain ranges. The next bloom period needs to be carefully investigated. That's all I know. The rest is up to you. After gathering seven Da Li Flames, you must use them during the absolute sunny days of summer to cure the poison. Even a single drop of rain would nullify all efforts. You only get one chance; each day you delay, he suffers more."

Su Yin nodded slightly, his upturned eyes and sharp eyebrows, combined with his grave expression, making his handsome features seem both threatening and paradoxically reassuring.

Que Siming clapped his hands, shaking off non-existent dust, "Alright, I need to administer his treatment quickly. Take this list and gather everything I need by tomorrow. We can't delay. If it rains before tomorrow, then it's just bad luck." Saying this, he threw down a paper and strode away.

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