Chapter 103

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"Cold poison is an extremely Yin substance. To remove it, one can only use the extremely Yang Red Demon Flower to counter it. Detoxification requires seven consecutive days of clear weather; if it rains, all previous efforts will be in vain. The method of detoxification sounds simple but is actually very difficult to perform. However, I've already gathered all the necessary herbs, including the crucial Red Demon Flower. Yesterday, Zongzheng Huai En also delivered the last plant to me. Tomorrow, I will need to seclude myself for three days to prepare the medicine, so that aspect is settled. During detoxification, silver needles are used to open the major acupoints around your body, then you are submerged in the detoxifying solution made with the Red Demon Flower to force the cold poison out of your body. Internal energy must be used to heat the solution, and the water temperature must be kept within the range your body can tolerate. You must soak for two hours continuously. This requires profound internal strength and precise control over your internal energy. So, besides Su Yin, I also need Zongzheng Huai En; otherwise, one person cannot endure the continuous depletion of energy for seven days."

Su Yin snorted disdainfully.

Qüe Siming ignored him and continued, addressing Xiao Bao, "The first two days will be very painful. The pain will then gradually lessen. I will prepare pain-relieving medicine for you, but how much you can endure will depend on yourself."

Xiao Bao nodded stiffly.

"The next suitable timing is in six days, then at the beginning of next month on the eighth, and then on the nineteenth of the following month. After that, it will be autumn. Think about it and decide when to start."

Xiao Bao clenched his fist. "As soon as possible."

Qüe Siming nodded. "Good, that's what I think too. I'm tired of being around you people all day."

Su Yin coldly said, "As soon as Xiao Bao is well, you should leave immediately. I won't keep you a moment longer."

Qüe Siming chuckled. "Look at you, so ambitious. Even if I didn't provoke him to go to Red Peak Cliff, do you really think you could have killed Zongzheng Huai En?"

Su Yin gritted his teeth. "If he hadn't come to cause trouble, Zongzheng Huai En would have been dead long ago." He finished, glaring fiercely at Xiao Bao.

Xiao Bao shivered and quietly turned around.

Que Siming sneered, "Stop daydreaming. Just because I'm in Dali doesn't mean I don't know what's happening thousands of miles away. I know you're not satisfied, but you should weigh the pros and cons. Zongzheng Huai En should be kept alive. At least, it shouldn't be you who kills him."

Su Yin also said coldly, "It's not up to you to decide when to speak. You've got what you wanted, so let's consider the matter settled." After speaking, he stood up, walked to the door in big strides, turned back at the doorway, pointed at Xiao Bao, and said, "You stay put. There's a limit even to being easily influenced. If you act foolishly again, I won't bother with you anymore."

Xiao Bao stared blankly as Su Yin walked away swiftly. He thought about what Su Yin had just said and felt his cheeks burning.

This time, Su Yin was angry with him for longer than ever before. Although Xiao Bao didn't believe Su Yin would truly "not bother with him anymore," he felt guilty for repeatedly disappointing Su Yin.

Su Yin wanted to steer him back onto the right path, to marry and have children in the future, to have a house full of descendants, rather than continue to be entangled with Huai En.

He also understood that his parents were getting old and in poor health, and they couldn't handle any shocks.

But he really couldn't find a way to wholeheartedly care for a girl. He couldn't move on from the past, so he couldn't move forward.

Blooming Flowers, Silent SorrowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant