Chapter 20

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As soon as the figure known as the Right Shadow stepped through the door, with his back foot yet to touch the ground, his sharp gaze swiftly scanned the faces of everyone in the hall, rapidly assessing who held sway.

You ying gave a formal bow, "Might you be Su Yin, Young Master Su?"

(Kipzi - You ying is the right shadow)

Xiao Bao was seething with frustration. Right Shadow hadn't given him as much as a direct glance, making him feel his efforts were utterly wasted.

With a slight upturn of his lips, Su Yin smiled, "Indeed, it is I."

"I've come specifically to retrieve my brother who has been troubling your household for several days, to spare you any further inconvenience."

"It's indeed been quite the hassle, you've no idea how much of our premium medicine he's used up during this time. I had to assign three servants to attend to him round the clock, and yet, his demands and aloofness know no bounds, claiming ignorance to every question," Su Yin scoffed.

Already frustrated from getting nothing out of the Left Shadow and now being blatantly ignored by the right, Xiao Bao let loose a barrage of spiteful remarks the moment he opened his mouth.

Turning his head, You ying glanced at him, cheeks bulging with suppressed anger. The refusal of the Jin household to release the person had been a source of irritation throughout his journey, and now having to endure the pointless barbs of this useless scion was truly infuriating. However, recognizing the bigger picture, he managed to quell his anger and respectfully performed a bow, "Young Master Jin, it's been a while. I hope you've been recovering well?" His glance, though seemingly casual, was loaded with meaning.

Xiaobao's face was struggling to maintain composure, a mix of embarrassment and anger, along with a fear that Su Yin, cunning as a ghost, might discern something. This fear caused the previously sharp resentment to dissipate significantly.

After dealing with him, You ying continued negotiating with those who kept their word. He knew that the person before him was not someone to offend at the moment, but he couldn't fathom why this person insisted on holding onto his brother without releasing him. Not understanding made him even more impatient.

"You're called You ying." Su Yin, confident and unafraid, took a sip of tea, "Let's dispense with the formalities and get straight to the point. Your brother is staying with me because there are things I need to know. Since he won't talk, I have to find someone who will."

"What does Su Yin want to know?"

Su Yin nodded towards Xiaobao, "Our Xiaobao mysteriously disappeared for three days and came back injured. I need to know who's responsible."

Xiaobao's face turned deathly pale in fright, glaring fiercely at You ying, mentally threatening him that if he dared to tell the truth, he would kill his brother.

You ying naturally didn't take his threat seriously, but he had his considerations. After a few seconds of deliberation, "It was the Five Eccentrics of Konggu."

Su Yin nodded, which matched the intelligence he had received, but he sensed the man was holding back.

"Why did the Five Eccentrics of Konggu appear in Jiangnan, and why did they injure Xiaobao?"

"Their target was our master. Young Master Jin was injured trying to save our master. As for why they appeared in Jiangnan, why they attacked our master, and who our master is, these questions are more important than our lives." Meaning, Su Yin might as well stop asking.

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