Chapter 29

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As the sky outside the window darkened, a profound silence enveloped the surroundings. Inside the room, the only sound was the beating of their hearts, as both men rested in silence, without speaking.

After a while, Xiao Bao tentatively nudged him, "Isn't it my turn now?"

Huai En lifted his head, glaring, "What are you thinking?"

Xiao Bao, still somewhat intimidated by him, sulked under his gaze, "We're both men, none of us lacking anything. Why should it always be you on top?"

Huai En gritted his teeth in anger, "Don't even think about it." In his view, he had already demeaned himself by joining Xiao Bao in their intimate encounters, and Xiao Bao should be grateful. The idea of having a man on top of him was utterly out of the question in his lifetime.

Master Xiao Bao, now with his temper flaring, had initially harbored the hope of reciprocating the favor, expecting a mutual concession. But faced with such a blunt rejection, he pushed Huai En away, "Do you even have a conscience? Do you know how much it hurt me? So, you get your pleasure, and I'm just supposed to take it?"

Huai En's face alternated between shades of green and red, pulling his clothes around him. The brief warmth they had shared seemed to disappear like a breeze, leaving no trace. With a cold glance, he said, "You brought this upon yourself."

That look, filled with arrogance and disdain, instantly dimmed Xiao Bao's spirits. For the first time, he felt genuinely wounded by Huai En's harsh words.

I've always been incredibly good to him, never wronging him in any way. In fact, I've saved his life twice. Yet, not only has he never shown a hint of gratitude, but he has also consistently responded with harsh words and fists. There's never been a break from his aggression, and even after doing such things with him, he shows no signs of remorse. Instead, it feels like I owe him something. Even now, it's the same. Just a moment ago, he was overly excited, unable to control his fervor. I didn't want to let him down; I wanted to be close to him, so I gave in too easily. But after he's done venting, he distances himself from me completely, as if I was the only one making a fool of myself from the start. How can someone be so selfish? Never before, like in this moment, have I felt so demeaned. What exactly am I trying to achieve here?

Huai En looked at Xiao Bao's dejected face, his head bowed, eyelashes misted with a faint dampness, his lips pursed in a pout, a visage of utter grievance. The sight stirred a rush of blood, descending to his lower body despite his mind's disdain and repulsion for the person before him. This left him in a pitiable state, inadvertently nurturing a resentment towards him.

It was all his fault. If it hadn't been for that moment of vulnerability, that despicable encounter, how could he have fallen so deep into carnal obsession? He had always disliked being close to others, but since something had happened with Xiao Bao, he felt a reckless abandon, thinking one more or one less time made no difference.

No matter how much he didn't want to admit it, he knew deep down he very much wanted to engage in that act with Xiao Bao. Far from quenching his desires, it only fueled them more, leaving him to wonder how long this useless torment would continue.

After all, he was flesh and blood, unable to transcend his sensual cravings. His anger only made him seem more petulant, better to surrender to his primal desires.

And yet, he was far from satisfied; in fact, he felt an even greater thirst. It was somewhat manageable when he was not allowed to touch, as he could lie to himself. But once he had a taste, he truly couldn't control himself.

Thinking thus, his hand already reached Xiao Bao's face, and he bit down hard on his neck.

Caught off guard, Xiao Bao screamed, then became confused by this ambiguous action.

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