Chapter 25

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Xiao Bao behaved himself all day.

Because yesterday Huai En grabbed him by the neck and threw him into the pond, Xiao Bao lay in bed reflecting for half a day, realizing he shouldn't have been so reckless. How could he discuss matters with Huai En straightforwardly? Even if Huai En looked feminine, he was still a man. Any man would struggle with this psychological barrier. If any reckless man dared to confront him like that, Xiao Bao would surely dunk him in the water without hesitation.

So, instead of speaking, he decided to act directly! Once Huai En experienced the sweetness of their partnership, he wouldn't resist anymore!

Xiao Bao immediately shared his deductions with Zhao Cai and Jin Bao, but both seemed almost ready to roll their eyes. However, in his view, given his seasoned experience in matters of passion, they naturally couldn't grasp the benefits involved.

He realized he needed to quickly devise a comprehensive plan to turn the tables decisively, especially considering Huai En had twice shown mercy to his subordinates yesterday and even requested to stay over. This must signify his affection for him; otherwise, why would his attitude change so drastically? With this thought, Xiao Bao's confidence soared.

However, this time he learned his lesson and decided that in the future, when interacting with Huai En, Zhao Cai and Jin Bao must always be readily available, just like yesterday. Fortunately, the pond wasn't deep, and after a brief moment of dizziness, he managed to climb out on his own. Otherwise, by the time Zhao Cai or Jin Bao found him, he would have become top-tier feed for his koi.

As Xiao Bao pondered how to fulfill his grand aspirations, a servant of Xiao Yu rushed in, urgently requesting an audience.

Xiao Bao didn't have anything important at hand, so he immediately got up to open the door and asked anxiously, "What's happened?"

"The lord and lady went to offer prayers, and the young miss insisted on going with them. When they didn’t take her, she started crying and throwing things around. Young master, you should go take a look; it's been quite a while already."

Sighing, Xiao Bao hurried towards Xiao Yu's quarters.

From a distance, he could hear Xiao Yu's cries, indeed she had been crying for quite some time, her voice breaking with each sob. Upon seeing Xiao Bao, she loudly wailed and rushed towards him, "Ge, ge, I want to go out and play. I don’t want to stay in the mansion every day. I've never been out before. Ge, ge, I want to go out!!"

"Xiao Yu, be good, don't cry." Xiao Bao lifted the little girl into the house and closed the door.

Tears swelling in her eyes, Xiao Yu glanced at the firmly shut door, sobbed a few times, and then looked at Xiao Bao with a silent, pleading gaze.

Xiao Bao sighed, placed the little girl on his lap, and wiped the tears from her face. "Xiao Yu, what did Xiao Bao Ge tell you before?"

"You know why we don't let you go out."

"There's no wall in the world that can't be breached. Even if no one recognizes you, it's not guaranteed that no one knows you're here. The Jin residence is the only truly safe place. If something happened to you because you were momentarily tempted to have fun, how am I supposed to explain to your brother?"

Xiao Yu's lips trembled, her eyelids drooped, and tears silently streamed down her face.

"You're not little anymore. I know it's boring being cooped up in the house all day. In another four or five years, you'll be able to get married. By then, that matter will gradually fade, and your brother will definitely choose the most suitable family for you, one that's far from here, who can protect you..."

In his arms, Xiao Yu's little head shook like a rattle drum, "I don't want to, Xiao Bao Ge. I don't want to get married. If I get married, I won't be here anymore. I'd rather never go out for my whole life than leave."

Xiao Bao pinched her cheek, "Let things take their course. There's no girl who doesn't marry. You'll understand later. Now, tell me, why did you insist on going out today?"

Xiao Yu is usually a sensible child, rarely fussing over anything, spending most of her time quietly reading or practicing martial arts. Her martial arts instructor, arranged by Su Yin, was actually meant to protect her. That year, against all advice, he chose to keep Xiao Yu with him. To ensure her safety, for the first time in his life, he knelt before Su Yin. He knew that, wealthy as the Jin family was, they couldn't compare to the Su family's influence. To seal off almost all information about a person, only the Su family could manage it. His decision infuriated his parents to the point of steaming anger, and Su Yin also erupted in fury at him. Yet, eventually, they reluctantly compromised due to his stubbornness. Xiao Yu, seeing the lengths Xiao Bao went through for her, was exceptionally obedient and understanding.

Xiao Bao has never regretted his decision. Xiao Yu's brother had saved his life; he was a man of justice, humility, and integrity, a clear spring in the murky waters of the officialdom, earning his sincere admiration. To this day, he has been unable to uncover who was behind the Xue family's massacre or why it happened. Unable to avenge his old friend, he is determined to protect his friend's only sister entrusted to him on his deathbed. As long as the Jin family exists, he is committed to safeguarding her completely.

Xiao Yu, with her head lowered, murmured, "Dad and Mom went to the Western Garden Temple to offer prayers for peace. It's said to be very effective. Xiao Bao Ge, you suddenly disappeared a while ago, and Xiao Yu was so scared…"

Xiao Bao hugged the child tighter, feeling a sourness at the tip of his nose. This child had witnessed her entire family being slaughtered overnight. In the first six months after he brought her home, she couldn't even speak a word, shrinking in a corner, terrified by the slightest noise. It took a long time for her to gradually recover. He knew the depth of her unease, which made him cherish her deeply.

"Xiao Bao Ge, I will be obedient from now on."

"Good, Xiao Yu, be good, and everything will be fine when you grow up. Once you've grown up, we won't be able to keep you with us any longer. Brother will take you to see some fun stuff, okay? Someone just brought over some Western things a few days ago, even the princesses in the palace don't have them, but our Xiao Yu does, how about that?"

"Good!!" Xiao Yu grinned and planted a big kiss on Xiao Bao's face.

Xiao Bao carried her out the door, the little girl getting heavier by the day. In a few years, he wouldn't be able to carry her at all. For now, to make her happy, he'd endure the numbness in his hands.

A large crowd hustled and bustled around Xiao Bao and Xiao Yu, heading towards the back garden. Turning a corner, Xiao Bao instantly spotted Huai En's shadows, Yao Ying and his brother, strolling. Zuo Ying looked pale and moved slowly, but it was said he was out of danger.

Yao Ying, noticing them, harbored a bellyful of dissatisfaction and disdain towards Xiao Bao. He intended to make Xiao Bao uncomfortable with a few harsh words, but seeing the crowd behind, he held back. After all, his brother owed a debt of gratitude and it wasn't good to say anything. He had just been complaining to his brother, and now, meeting face to face, couldn't help but feel awkward.

Zuo Ying snorted and decided to leave with his brother.

Xiao Yu, who had been comfortably lying on Xiao Bao's shoulder, noticed the group stopping and turned to look, asking, "Brother, who are they?"

This clear, pleasant voice of the child made both men instinctively turn their heads back, and they were rooted to the spot by what they saw.

This little girl!!!

Xiao Bao, puzzled by their suddenly changed expressions, asked, "What's wrong with you?" Noticing they were looking at his sister, his mischievous nature kicked back in, and he blurted, "What are you staring at? Xiao Yu is still young. Even when she grows up, it won't be your turn. And you say I'm rude? Is it proper to stare at a young lady who hasn't yet come of age like this?"

Xiao Bao took their interest in Xiao Yu as mere appreciation for her beauty and cuteness, teasing Yao Ying a bit for a small revenge without giving it much thought. Joyfully leading everyone to look at foreign curiosities, he quickly forgot about the incident.

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