Chapter 47

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Xiao Bao heard a familiar voice and turned his head to see who else but Huai En's left-hand man, Zuo Ying.

Zuo Ying and the men he brought were engaged in a fierce battle with the men in black. It seemed that the fight had been going on for some time, as the ground was littered with bodies.

Huai En pulled Xiao Bao to their side, and immediately someone came over to apply medicine and bandage Huai En's wounds.

Xiao Bao still tightly held Huai En's hand, trembling uncontrollably. This was his first experience with such perilous circumstances, and he was truly frightened.

The young man had led his men out of the cave, soaked through, with his hair sticking to his face in a disheveled state. Seeing that neither side could determine a winner in a short time, and having achieved his goal, he did not linger for a fight. His malevolent eyes glared fiercely at Huai En before he led his men to retreat.

Zuo Ying had no intention of pursuing further and ordered his men to tidy up the aftermath, then knelt before Huai En to apologize.

"Master, I've arrived late again."

Huai En spoke solemnly, "It's not a problem." Then he turned to Xiao Bao, "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

Xiao Bao shook his head, "I'm fine. Your…"

Huai En moved his arm and said, "It's just some superficial wounds. They'll heal in a few days. Were you scared?"

Zuo Ying was surprised by his master's gentle demeanor, staring blankly at the two of them.

Xiao Bao, still haunted by the sight of the impenetrable shadows and the sinister swordplay, tried to maintain a facade of bravado, "Scared? I've seen bigger spectacles than this; this is nothing."

Huai En couldn't help but laugh, causing Xiao Bao's cheeks to turn red with embarrassment. Just as he was about to argue, a loud shout suddenly came from afar, "Young master!!!"

Xiao Bao, feeling guilty, broke out in a cold sweat and turned around, only to see Zhao Cai Jin Bao, his two attendants, running towards him in a rage, their speed so fast it seemed as if they were flying. He knew that his two little servants were truly angry.

Zhao Cai immediately pulled Xiao Bao away from Huai En's side and started checking him over, touching here and there while asking, "Young master, are you hurt? Do you have any injuries? Huh??"

Xiao Bao brushed his hands away, "I'm fine, really."

Jin Bao shouted, "Young master, you've gone too far! This is too irresponsible!! The lord and lady are almost dying of worry, the young lady cries every day, and the lord said he's going to lock you in the cellar when you return!!"

Xiao Bao shrank a little guiltily, "It's not… that serious, right? I'm fine, see?"

Zhao Cai pointed at Huai En angrily and said, "Good for nothing! The group of fierce and evil-looking people who came down the mountain just now, dare to say they weren't coming for him? He is a jinx, wherever he goes, disaster follows. If the young master follows him, it would be strange if anything good happens!"

Left Ying, upon hearing this, drew his sword and was about to charge forward but was stopped by a look from Huai En.

"Alright, alright, I'm fine now, and you've found me, let's not dawdle. I promise I won't do this again, okay?" He didn't like Zhao Cai speaking about Huai En this way, but since he was at fault, he couldn't flare up.

"Young master, if there's a next time, just kill us directly, please don't leave us alone to face the lord and lady." Jin Bao was both aggrieved and angry, awkwardly stretching his neck and pouting, refusing to look at Xiao Bao.

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