Chapter 64

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(((April 24, 2016)))
Nicole's POV
I was standing in the kitchen cooking waffles for breakfast when Parker came in the door, Dozer and Bear following behind him.

"There's all three of my babies." I smiled as I watched them walk in.

"And there's my sexy little lady." Parker smirked as he came gave me a kiss. "You ready to start doing the clean out?"

"Not yet, babe. I thought we were going to eat first. It's almost ready."

"Well, I gotta get all the concentrate to the tent anyway. You just keep on cooking and after we have breakfast, you can come on out to the tent and help me and Chris." Parker said.

"You think you had a good week?" I asked him while I shut the waffle maker.

"I hope so." Parker mumbled as he ate a piece of bacon.

"Good." I smiled. "Now quit eating the bacon. It'll be done in about ten minutes. Go work. Or whatever you need to do."

"Yes ma'am." Parker smirked as he grabbed another piece of bacon and started walking out the door.

As Parker walked out the door, the dogs followed behind him. As the door shut, I heard Parker call for Rick. I smiled and started getting the things ready for breakfast.


"Okay, baby. Let's go start the clean out." Parker said as he stood up from his chair beside mine.

"Okay, darlin'." Chris joked as he stood up.

Everyone started laughing as we all started to get up.

"I'm coming, baby." I smiled as I moved the hair from in front of his eyes. "I'm just going to give the dogs the leftovers."

Parker nodded as he grabbed his cup from the table and started to walk towards the door, following everyone else. I poured all the scraps into a bowl, and carried it with me as I walked out of the kitchen door. I set the bowl down, allowing Bear and Dozer to start chowing down on it. I smiled at them as I petted them before starting towards the tent that Parker and Chris were under.

"Honey, you get down there and catch the nuggets." Parker said as he pointed towards the end of the jig. "You know how to do it."

"Yeah." I said as I stood beside the jig and waited for Chris to put the first shovelful in the jig.

The cameramen started rolling in. Parker and Chris just ignored them; they were used to being filmed all the time. However, it's been two weeks, and I'm still not used to it. I looked up at Max and smirked before shaking my head and looking back at the jig that had just been powered up. Parker handed me a gold pan while I started catching the little nuggets that were starting to flow through the water.

When we were through jigging all the concentrate, Parker put all the gold in a pan to put it on the stove. When it was through, Rick and Mitch came up to the tent driving the fourwheeler. We five stood around the table outside of the tent while Parker started to weigh the gold.

"Okay, so." Parker smirked as he carried the pan and set it beside the scale. "Let's see how much gold we got."

I smiled as I watched Parker pour the gold into the pan on the scale. Parker counted with the scale as he poured.

"145 on the button." Parker said as he finished pouring the gold.

"Whoo!" Rick smiled.

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