Chapter 84

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(((June 28, 2016)))
Nicole's POV

"Baby, I'm going to work, okay?" I heard Parker whisper to me that morning. "You just sleep, okay? We're going to eat cereal for breakfast."

I groaned and turned on my back. "I'm getting up. I'll make breakfast."

"No, babe. Just sleep. You need your rest. Five hours a night isn't good for you." Parker said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Parker said. "Just go back to sleep." He kissed my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too." I mumbled as I felt myself drifting back to sleep. "Be safe."

"Don't worry." I heard Parker's voice one last time before I fell back asleep.


I woke up again to the sound of my phone ringing. I threw my arm to the table and felt around till I found my phone. I didn't bother to look at who it was before answering it. I should've looked to see who it was.

"Hello?" I mumbled groggily.

I figured that it could only be Parker, Mom, Dad, Hannah, or maybe Payson. Those are about the only people that call me.


Dear god, I'd know that nasally voice anywhere. Aunt Marie. What the heck did she want?

"Yeah." I yawned as I sat up in the bed, glancing at the clock on the table. It was almost time to make lunch for the men.

"How are you doin', darlin'?" She asked nicely.

Like you actually care.

"Pretty good. I just woke up." I said.

"That boy keep you up all night?" She asked. I could practically feel the snarl on her face.

"No." I said frankly. "I had just been getting up at 6:30 every morning and Parker thought that I needed a few extra hours of sleep today."

"Of course you do, honey. In your condition, you should get plenty of rest." Aunt Marie said.

"Well, I get enough sleep." I said. "So what's up?"

"Just wanted to check up on you. I still love you, you know. Even if you did decide that you want to have a baby and stay with that boy."

"I love you too, Aunt Marie." I sighed. "But you can't love me and not love Parker and our baby. We're kinda a package deal."

She sighed. "I don't know why you love him so much. He's ugly with that big nose. That baby will probably have a big nose too. Bless his heart."

I scoffed. "Okay, first of all, I love Parker because he treats me like Mama always told me I deserved to be treated. He takes care of me, he tells me everything, we have a great relationship. He's the love of my life. Okay, now he's not ugly at all. He's handsome. And don't talk about our baby. Our baby is going to be beautiful."

I felt tears coming down my cheek. "And you ought to know that I'm emotional because I'm pregnant. Is this the only reason you called me? To tell me that I'm ruining my life?"

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