Chapter 65

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(((April 30, 2016)))
Nicole's POV

"I don't know, baby." Parker said to me while we were in the kitchen a few minutes before breakfast. "I'm starting to think that the Indian River just ain't worth it."

"Why not?" I asked as I stood in front of the stove.

"Well, Rick hasn't found any thawed ground yet, and it's too late in the season to be dealing with permafrost. I'm beginning to think it's going to be more trouble than it's worth."

"I'm sure Rick will pull through, just like he always does for you." I said. "And you know that you want the Indian River claim to work just as much as he does."

"Well, yeah." Parker admitted. "But he only has one more day to find thawed ground. And if it's this hard to find thawed ground, then there probably isn't that much of it. Then we'll have all the equipment up there, the pumps and the wash plant, for only a few weeks worth of sluicing."

"Have a little faith, Parker." I replied. "I think that it's a good idea, and deep down, you do too, or else you wouldn't be allowing it."

Parker sighed. "I wish I was as optimistic as you about everything."

I smiled. "One of us has to be."

Parker kept twiddling he fingers on the table while I was finishing up breakfast. I was really tired, despite the fact that I had gotten enough sleep last night. I yawned for the hundredth time before picking up my radio and telling everyone that breakfast was ready.

"Parker, I'm tired." I said as I sat in his lap. I laid my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around me.

"You slept good last night, didn't you?" Parker asked.

"Yeah." I said as I closed my eyes for a second.

"Maybe you're getting sick again." Parker said as he moved the hair from in front of my face.

"I wasn't sick to begin with." I mumbled. "It was just a little stomachache."

"Well," Parker kissed my forehead. "You'll be fine."

"Yeah." I agreed.

People started coming in the door, walking over to the stove where the food was. I stood up and went to get Parker a plate of food before most of it was gone. I sighed as I set his plate in front of him and sat down with my plate.

"So Rick," Parker said as we were all eating. "What's going on up at Indian River?"

"Still haven't found any thawed ground, man," Rick admitted.

Parker shook his head. "I'm getting kinda iffy about Indian River, Rick."

"I still got today and tomorrow, man. Don't give up yet." Rick said.

"That's what I told him, Rick." I added.

"Yeah, yeah." Parker said, then turned to me, "What are you doing today?"

"Same thing I do everyday. Cook, clean, do laundry, and answer the phone for you." I answered. "Sounds fun, right?"

"Oh, yeah." Parker smirked. "Almost as fun as working in an excavator all day."

"So fun." I smirked. "But you like doing it, so don't even deny it."

"You like doing what you do too." Parker pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess the time just went by faster when I had Hailey to talk to. But Mitch," I raised my voice to make sure Mitch heard me at the other end of the table. "Had to send Hailey back."

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