Chapter 85

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(((July 4, 2016)))
Nicole's POV

"Alright, guys! Let's party!" Parker yelled as he was walking out from the kitchen towards where all of us were outside.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered and held their beers up. Except for me, of course. I was boiling crab.

Parker dumped the case of beers he was carrying into the cooler before slamming it close. He walked over to where I was, standing over the boiling crab.

"It's been a while since I've not went to the beach on the fourth of July." I told him as I felt his arm wrap around my waist.

"We'll go play in the water." Parker said. "Hell, we'll go get the jet skis and go. They might work crappy, but it's fun."

I smiled. "It's only 70°."

"That's hot enough." Parker said. "Now me and Rick are going to get the jet skis. We're bout to have some fun."

"Parker." I called as he walked away.

"We're going to have fun!" Parker called.

I laughed and turned the heat on the pot down.

"Come on, Nicole!" Parker called from by the pond. "You gonna ride with me!"

I rolled my eyes and laughed as I saw all the men over by the water with two jet skis. Ten men plus five cases of beer and some crazy ideas. This is going to end well.

"Come on." Parker said as he sat on the jet ski in the water.

I kicked my flip flops off and walked into the water. I squealed at the coldness on my feet before getting behind Parker, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Hold on." Parker ordered as he cranked the jet ski. We took off.

I yelled excitedly as we rode on the water. I saw Parker smiling from ear to ear. I laughed and buried my head against his back as we rode.

He was right. That was fun.

"I'm wet." I said once we had gotten on dry land again and two other people were riding the jet skis.

"Me too." Parker said as he ran his hand through his wet hair and put on his hat.

"But that was fun." I smiled.

"Told ya." Parker smiled before kissing me.

"The food should be done now." I said.

"Awesome. Let's go eat." Parker said before taking off towards the picnic table and the crab.

"Thanks for waiting for me!" I yelled at him.

He was already taking a crab out of the pot. He smiled at me and waved. He's crazy sometimes.


"Of course it will work." Parker said as we were all standing around a loader bucket and Rick was lighting a fire under it. "We've done it before."

The men had this idea to make a "bush hot tub". Fill a loader bucket with water and light a fire under it. Apparently, they've done it before.

"Alright." I smirked. "If you say so."

Once it was hot, Parker and Rick jumped in it immediately. They coaxed me into getting in, and Jordan and Tyler got in with us.

"I have to admit, it's pretty nice for a dirty loader bucket." I smiled as I was sitting in Parker's lap.

"Yeah, it's nice for a bush hot tub." Rick smiled as he took a sip of his beer.

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