Chapter Ninety-Six

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Tension hung in the air and silence held sway over the stadium as Seth and Allie stared each other down

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Tension hung in the air and silence held sway over the stadium as Seth and Allie stared each other down. The expression written on the royal's face was something that couldn't be described in just one word. She was giddy, elated, and most certainly enthralled by the opportunity in front of her. After a near agonizing year of waiting for this moment, she was finally about to see her wildest dreams come to fruition. There was just one more matter to attend before sealing the deal.

"Seth," Allie began, "just about a month ago I asked you if you loved me. Hearing you admit to me that you did made me the happiest woman in all of Kalos. Honestly Pauper you have no idea how excited I felt leaving that center knowing that fact. After we danced at the end of our time together, my heart felt something that I couldn't explain in mere words. The same feeling returned at the ball... and while I watched you dancing with Morgan and Serena I felt like I should have been out on that floor with you. I wanted to cut in and steal you away for myself because deep down, I'm a selfish woman."

Allie sighed and shook her head as she continued.

"After watching you in battle, and seeing how you cared for your Pokémon and even after our dance... one thing became crystal clear. You were the one I wanted to see succeed the most. You heard me right Pauper... I. wanted. you!" Allie added with a firmness in her voice, her eyes locking with Seth's as she stepped closer to him. "So come... dance with me. Speak to me in this language we call battle!" She finished, reaching down and grabbing a ball from her waist and priming it.

There was only one way that Seth could respond. A smile curved onto his face as he reached down to his waist to replicate her action.

"Well then... engarde, princess!" Seth declared extending his ball as though he would his sword toward Allie in challenge.

Allie grinned from ear to ear, and her eyes shone with delight as he'd accepted her challenge. Nothing in that moment would have pleased her more, save for snatching him by that tie and drawing him into a kiss that would light up his world brighter than the fireworks show her palace put on every year. The mere thought of it made her burn with the desire to do so, but she would restrain herself for now regardless of what her body and mind were aching to do.  Instead, she settled for blowing him a kiss before waltzing back to her side of the arena.

"Go get her, Seth!" came Serena's voice from the stands, prompting him to look up and see his friends waving at him.

"You got this bro! Show her what you're made of!" Jamie called out.

"You can do it big brother!" Melody encouraged him.

Seth's eyes caught sight of Melody's arm looped around Jamie's, a clear indication that he'd let her know how he felt.

"Well it's about time," Seth muttered to himself, chuckling as he walked over to his trainer's box.

After both of them were in position, the announcer cleared his throat to speak.

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