Chapter Fifty-Six

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Ka-chick! Ka-chick! Went Melody's camera as she snapped off picture after picture of the palace garden. Allie had let her go up onto the main bridge to get a better view of things. She angled her camera as she got a shot of the golden statue of Golurk and Bisharp that was standing in the water beside the bridge. She'd already taken several snapshots of the Reshiram and Zekrom statues that her brother had been standing by before. Turning her gaze to the fountain, she spotted a wondrous sight. 

Her lens zoomed in on two Swannas and their Ducklett who were playing around in the water. What caught her by surprise was the coloration of both of them was entirely different from any other species of Swanna she'd seen. One was entirely black from his head all the way down to his webbed feet with the exception of a crimson underbelly. His beak was red as well, and a single white stripe ran across his long neck. The female had a white head and neck that tapered off into a primarily black body. Her beak was also red with a single black stripe across the top. 

Melody didn't know how many pictures she'd taken, but she'd guessed that it was enough to fill up a page or two in an album. Turning about, she looked out across the garden to where Allie and Furfrou were sitting. Allie had her grooming kit out and was giving her a Debutante Trim. Melody zoomed in more and spotted something familiar floating alongside Allie. It was a little Flabebe from the garden. Remembering she'd brought her own Floette, she released her little friend from her sphere and urged her to go and play. 

The little one smiled and zipped off excitedly to meet the Flabebe beside Allie. Melody kept taking photo after photo as the two danced around each other in merriment. Allie blinked, pausing her grooming to see her garden friend playing with what she knew as a new face. She recognized all the Floette in the garden, but this one she didn't know. Turning her head, she saw Melody taking pictures and then made the connection. Allie smiled warmly and waved to Melody who happily waved back. 

The sound of stirring water caught her attention, snatching her gaze away from the joyful scene to yet another beautiful sight. A cream colored, serpentine figure—with glittering blue and red scales—shot out of the water and looked down at Melody with a curious gaze. Melody's eyes widened as the Milotic lowered herself down and leaned over the bridge to look her in the eyes. Melody lowered her camera after getting a few quick shots. Melody gently reached her hand out to stroke the Milotic on his head. 

Milotic closed his eyes and let out a musical sound that sent shivers through Melody's frame. He was simply gorgeous! Milotic nudged her gently and then turned his gaze to his approaching trainer who was giggling at the scene before her. 

"Well aren't you just pleasant today?" Allie replied, grinning from ear to ear as her prized serpent greeted her by nudging his face into her outstretched hand as gently as possible. 

"He's beautiful!" Melody chirped, taking a photo of the two of them for her collection. 

"He absolutely loves the camera. He was probably observing you from underwater, waiting for the opportune moment to make his grand entrance," Allie said, giving Milotic a knowing look. 

Melody smiled and nodded, sifting through the pictures she'd taken. These were definitely going into her portfolio to give to Viola. Allie gave Milotic one last pat on the head before sending him off to his mate. 

"Would you mind if I took a look at some of those? Seth tells me you're really good with a camera and I've been dying to see some of your work," Allie asked. 

Melody's eyes lit up at the inquiry. She was hoping for the chance to show her the pictures she'd taken. Beaming ear to ear, she turned her camera around for the princess to see. Allie took in the shot of Milotic and her eyes popped. She managed to catch the sun glimmering on his scales perfectly. Every detail was so vivid and pronounced, it was jaw-dropping. Allie looked through slide after slide until she came upon one that held her attention far longer than she would have liked it too. 

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