Chapter Eleven

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"Yes Seth, what is it?" Mathilde inquired, glancing down at the waist high youth as he looked up at her.

"What does it mean to be strong?" Seth asked curiously, twiddling his thumbs as he awaited an answer.

A faint smile spread over Mathilde's face at the question.

"What do you think it means, Seth?" Mathilde replied.

Seth thought for a moment, scratching his head as he searched for an answer.

"Being able to stand up for others without being afraid? That's what mommy told me anyway," Seth responded sheepishly.

"Well, mommy's a very smart woman, but she's only partially right. Being strong is indeed just that. Having the courage to stand up for what you believe in, however... contrary to what this world thinks, being strong has nothing to do with having no fear. In fact, it is the very presence of fear that moves us to do what we never otherwise would. True strength, true bravery... is taking a stand even though you are afraid." Mathilde stated with a serious expression.

"So... it's okay to be afraid?" Seth queried, getting a chuckle from Mathilde.

Mathilde smiled down at Seth and ruffled his hair.

"You catch on quickly don't you?" She laughed, getting a grin out of her pupil. "Now come on, let's get back to your warmups. Then we'll work on your footwork..."

"Seth? You okay in there?" Shauna inquired

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"Seth? You okay in there?" Shauna inquired.

"Huh?" Seth replied, opening his eyes and glancing over at Shauna.

"You've been sitting there in your PJ's for what seems like hours. It's ten o'clock," Shauna blinked, tilting her head in curiosity.

"Oh, sorry, I was meditating..." Seth murmured. "Sometimes I forget and fall asleep like this," Seth stated, getting out of his kneeling position to stretch. "That...was not the best idea," Seth muttered as he felt a slight strain in his leg as he stretched.

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