Chapter Twenty-Two

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Deep beneath the soil of Geosange Town, inside a laboratory tucked away from the light of day, a portly wearing a red-orange suit and goggles, was hard at work at his computer. As he worked, the opening of the lab doors pulled his attention away from the screen to see who was entering his workspace. His eyes locked onto a young man wearing a crimson suit of armor with a helm that masked his features.

"Since you're here, I am assuming that today's venture was a success?" the man inquired, scanning the youth's posture as he spoke.

"If by success, you mean completing the training of the Inferno Brigade... yes, it was very successful indeed. Managed to pick up a recruit in the process. He seemed rather eager to join, Xerosic." the young man added with an amused laugh. "Something about repaying someone for humiliating them..."

"Was he now? do tell," Xerosic grinned, deciding he had a little spare time to listen to the story of the new recruit.

"You see, it went like this..."


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"This... this can't be! I lost again!" a frustrated Enzo roared as he watched his Meditite collapse to the ground in a flaming heap.

The culprit, a Houndoom commanded by a trainer in a crimson suit of armor. The face of the trainer was veiled due to the helmet he wore.

"Your Pokémon fought valiantly, however... your skills as a trainer are rather lacking. You rely too much on type advantage rather than skill..." said Enzo's adversary as he returned his canine friend.

Enzo gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. "You sound just like him! He told me that I was unskilled and that I was a textbook trainer. I was taught at the finest academy that Kalos had to offer. I was top of my class!"

The crimson clad adversary crossed his arms and sighed.

"Whoever he is, he's right, sorry to say. While it is true that in terms of power, Meditite had the advantage. However... his current level of power and your skill right now, won't be enough to cut it in a battle with him again. The end result will always be the same until he is trained better and evolves..." he added, putting up a finger. "But... I do see a way that you can improve yourself and become stronger than you'd ever dreamed of."

"Oh really? and just what is it you are proposing? because unless this comes with a way to ensure victory in my current endeavours, I don't think I'll be so inclined to take your offer," Enzo frowned.

"By current endeavours, do you mean Princess Allie?" the youth stated directly, getting a raised brow from Enzo.

"But of course, but how did you know? I don't recall ever mentioning her highness to you," Enzo replied hesitantly.

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