Chapter Thirty-Five

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The entire arena shook with the force of an earthquake as the match between Grayson and Korrina came to a screeching halt.

"Diggersby is unable to battle! Lucario wins, meaning the victory goes to Korrina!" Gurkinn declared.

Lucario powered down from his mega state and breathed a sigh of relief. To think that he and Korrina needed to push themselves that far...

"Phew! that was a tough one!" Korrina declared, sighing in exhaustion as she made her way to the center of the arena to meet Grayson.

Grayson returned his comrade and whispered a note of thanks before hitching him back to his belt. Looking up, he was surprised to see a badge being held out to him.

"With all due respect, I am not the victor here," Grayson began.

"That does not matter Grayson," Allie cut in, folding her arms as she spoke. "As Gym Leader, Korrina can give a badge to anyone she sees fit to give it to in accordance with the regulations that have been set by the League. Any trainer demonstrating knowledge and understanding of Pokémon to the best of their ability, may be given a badge whether they win or not."

"In other words, it's at our discretion," Korrina added, placing the badge into Grayson's open palm.

"Adding to what you have said, princess, if we feel that a challenger has not placed their all into a match, and if they lose, we reserve the right to withhold a badge until they take the battle more seriously the next time around," Korrina continued, her gaze shifting ever so slightly towards a certain sword bearing individual seated in gym.

Following her eyes, Allie dawned a smug grin.

So that wasn't just a general statement eh? Sounds like the pauper has gotten himself into a bit of a fix. So even a student of the Chevalier has trouble hmm? He must not have been a good student if he's tripping up this early in the game.

"Thank you, I gladly accept this badge," Grayson responded, closing his fist around it and taking out his badge case to place it inside.

"Not a problem, you definitely earned it," Korrina assured him, her gaze shifting over to Seth who seemed to be focused rather intently on something, or rather... someone.

"Well, as exciting as all this was, I do need to be heading off. There are a few things I need to... prepare for tonight. Not that I'm looking forward to it or anything..." Allie said, her eyes shifting to Seth after her last statement, her gaze lingering for a moment before her brows anchored into a frown. "Grayson? it's been a pleasure spending time with you. I do hope that you'll do well on the rest of your journey..."

Grayson smiled and nodded as she said this. His attention was drawn, however, to Seth whom Allie seemed to be fixated on at the moment. He knew what she meant by her comment. Tomorrow marked the beginning of her time with Seth. Why she was so agitated with him was something he could never bring himself to understand. He wasn't going to try to bring it out of her though. He'd known her long enough to know that if she didn't want to talk about it, she never would.

"Thank you, Allie. If you'll let me, I'd like to escort you out. I know your ride will be here soon," Grayson offered, getting a smile from the redhead in return.

"I'd like that, Grayson. Thank you."

Grayson made his way to Allie and the two walked out of the gym together. Allie looked back at Seth with a rather disdainful expression before returning her focus ahead of her and walking out the door. Having watched the exchange and caught on to what Allie had meant, Serena clenched her fists.

"Wow... she really is an insufferable little snot isn't she?" Serena spat, crossing her arms with a huff. "I mean, she didn't say it, but those statements were clearly thrown at you."

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