Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Seth sat inside the lobby of the Shalour Hotel while Allie, took a shower in one of the rooms that had been reserved for her by Grayson before he left the city. Sitting with him were his friends, who were all talking in hushed tones. Furfrou had elected to remain behind, something that surprised Seth as well as the rest of the gang.

"So is she really going to be with us for three days? because it's day one, and I already can't stand her attitude," Serena muttered.

"I know you're frustrated, Serena, but as much as her attitude irks me, I don't think we should give her too hard of a time," Seth cut in, earning a confused look from the group.

"That's surprising to hear. I thought you couldn't stand her. Having second thoughts are we?" Serena teased, a cheshire grin forming.

Remaining calm, Seth replied, "it's her personality and attitude that irritate me. Despite that, however, she can actually carry a decent conversation. I have to admit I was a bit shocked by this."

"So what'd you guys talk about? come on, spill!" Shauna squealed.

Seth shook his head. "Nothing important really. We just talked about our Pokémon and she, to my surprise, gave me a few pointers on how to best go about battling Korrina..."

"She did? really?" Trevor asked as he looked up from the recent pictures he'd taken of the city.

"She did, about ten minutes ago actually. After that, we came here and that's when I ran into you guys."

"Seth, you told us something very interesting just now," Serena began, twirling a lock of hair between her fingers. "You said she gave you pointers, does that mean she has battle experience? because if so, I'm curious..."

Seth could see the cogs turning in her head. He knew where this was going, and though he wasn't one get into things like this, he was curious about how well Allie handled herself, especially after what he picked up from Furfrou.

Allie closed the door to her hotel room and took a deep breath as she made her way to the bathroom

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Allie closed the door to her hotel room and took a deep breath as she made her way to the bathroom. Furfrou, for whatever reason, decided to stay with Seth for the time being. Stripping down, she slipped into the shower and closed the sliding glass door and turned on the shower. Closing her eyes, she began to dwell on the events that occurred a few short hours ago.

Okay, so he can be nice... sweet even, dare I say.

Allie crossed her arms over her bosom and sighed. While their conversations went about as well as she expected, she wasn't completely prepared for everything. The image of his gentle smile forced its way into her mind. And his abs... his abs! Her cheeks burned at the thought of it all.

"No, no, NO! don't you even go there Allie girl! have some dignity!" Allie scolded herself, reaching for her soap so she could start cleaning up.

Taking a deep breath, she willed herself to calm down and began to think about what they had discussed prior to arriving at the hotel.

His team really isn't too bad now that I think of it. And after watching them practice with each other, I can see he takes their training and care very seriously...

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