Chapter Seventy-Nine

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Mathilde's piercing gaze swept the cafe as she searched for any signs of shifty behavior

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Mathilde's piercing gaze swept the cafe as she searched for any signs of shifty behavior. According to what Seth had told her when he woke up the first time, Lysandre had said that his base of operations was inside the cafe. This meant that there was a hidden door that needed to be found in order to reach said base. While she could have gone in alone, she knew that it would be against her better judgement to enter enemy territory without someone to keep her in check, especially since she wasn't in a very forgiving mood.

Diantha, seeing the cold expression on her friend's face, placed a hand on her shoulder as she stepped up beside her. "There are a lot of people here, and I know you're angry right now so do try to keep any damage you are about to cause to a minimum," she whispered.

Mathilde breathed in deep and exhaled, doing her best to keep herself somewhat composed before she set to work. Keeping hold of her sense of reason-while difficult to do-she made use of Aura Sight and distorted the world before her so that only the essence of those present could be seen. She knew that asking around would get them nowhere fast, so the quickest way to figure out where she needed to go was to get a sense for everyone's emotions all at once.

As she looked around the cozy cafe, one thing immediately stood out to her. The workers seemed rather normal from the outside... but as she suspected, they were all Mightyena in Mareep clothing. Her eyes locked onto a particular group of workers who appeared to be taking a break in a corner of the room where beanbag chairs and a bookshelf was located. A smirk dawned on her features as she nodded toward the area and began to make her way there, Diantha following beside her.

The employees stopped mid-conversation as they saw Mathilde and Diantha approaching. As the two imposing figures came to a stop in front of them, a sudden chill ran down their spines as they all met the icy stare of Mathilde. An uneasy feeling set in almost immediately after they made eye contact. They watched as her eyes shifted toward the bookshelf, alarm bells ringing in their heads as she turned her body to face it. Her eyes still shone with aura as she stared at the shelf, picking up several aura signatures behind it which told her everything she needed to know. Without warning, the shelf suddenly began to move as if on its own accord, revealing a door behind it. At this, the employees shot up and surrounded her and Diantha as they stepped toward the door.

"I'm sorry, but only authorized personel are allowed beyond that point," one of them said sternly, the others reaching for their pokéballs. "We're going to have to ask you to leave..."

"And I'm going to need you to step aside," Mathilde warned, her eyes narrowing.

"And what are you going to do if we don't?" asked the employee as he expanded the ball in his hand to release his teammate.

Sweat trickled down the side of Diantha's face. Those were words you just didn't ask Mathilde, or anyone carrying a sword for that matter. Right now, her friend was on a short fuse, and this man had just made the biggest mistake of his life and lit it.

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