Chapter One

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"Pawniard, Metal Claw!"

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"Pawniard, Metal Claw!"

"Clauncher, Aqua Jet!"

Pawniard's blade-like hands shimmered as they were reinforced with steel as he exploded from his standing point. The Sharp Blade Pokémon rushed towards the now charging crustaceon who was wrapped in aquatic energies as he barreled towards Pawniard. The sound of their collision echoed through the Kalos Academy gym as Seth and Jaime squared off in a friendly match to test the growth of the Pokémon whose care they were entrusted with for the year.

Pawniard and Clauncher turned towards each other and readied themselves for another bout.

Jamie let out a long whistle. "That Pawniard is lookin good Seth. And to think you had trouble with it ten months ago," Jamie laughed.

Seth shrugged. "We had a few disagreements, but we worked them out, right buddy?"

Pawniard simply nodded and shifted into an offensive stance, his eyes fixed on Clauncher, ready to continue.

"You sure did. Before, he wouldn't even listen to you at all," Jamie laughed.

"Don't remind me," Seth replied, palming his face and shaking his head while Pawniard mimicked his actions. "Anyway, where were we?"

Jamie grinned. "Bubble Beam!"

"Metal Claw!" Seth countered.

Clauncher raised his claw cannon and gathered in power before expelling a stream of bubbles towards Pawniard. The little samurai set his blades ablaze with steel aura and lashed out with fury against the incoming assault, shattering each bubble that got within range.

As the attack died down, Clauncher rocketed towards him, claw empowered with azure energy. The little crustacean swung hard and clashed with the blade of Pawniard.

"Psycho Cut!" Seth commanded.

Pawniard's head blade lit up with bright violet energy. Lowering his head, Pawniard shot off a crescent-shaped blade of energy at point blank range, triggering an explosion that blasted Clauncher back several feet, skidding along the floor.

"Those two are really going at it aren't they?" A young ginger said to Melody as the two stood on the sidelines while the spar progressed.

Melody sighed, and shook her head. "Yeah, they sure are, Kate. Then again, Seth is graduating soon so he'll be able to start his journey in a week," Melody informed her friend.

"That's pretty early isn't it? It's only March," Kate blinked, sweat-dropping at the revelation.

"Well, my brother works pretty darn hard. He even took extra courses just so he could finish early. All he has left is his final field test and he'll be done," Melody added.

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