Chapter Eight

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Lying awake in the early hours of the morning, Seth was busy figuring out the new Pokédex

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Lying awake in the early hours of the morning, Seth was busy figuring out the new Pokédex. Tapping the screen, he activated its systems and watched as the screen booted up and expanded. Digital particles began rising into the air in a spiraling vortex, forming the hologram woman from her feet to her head.

"Systems online..." Came a feminine voice as the hologram's eyes opened. "State a command."

"Okay, this is going to take some getting used to," Seth stated, taking a deep breath. "Okay, user manual."

The hologram suddenly transformed into a word display, giving clear instructions on how the new Pokédex was used. Seth scrolled through the various commands and data on how the device worked to find that there was a customization option. He blinked as he saw that there was a way to change the look of the hologram.

"Well this is cool. A bit excessive probably, but definitely cool. Never thought I'd be doing this but, customization it is," Seth commanded.

"Customization confirmed. Select a look for me," The hologram stated, materializing several outfits that spiraled around her delicate looking frame.

"Let's see what we got here," Seth mumbled to himself, rotating each outfit on the hologram until all of them had been cycled through. "Not exactly sure what's going on in Sycamore's mind but...these outfits are rather risque," Seth said with a sigh. "Doesn't this device have anything more modest?" Seth muttered.

"Accessing database wardrobe. Processing request," the hologram said as the other outfits vanished.

They were soon replaced with more appropriate attire from outfits with skirts that at least touched the knee, to ball gowns and night dresses and perhaps the most pleasing of all, a swordsman-like outfit.

"I like these ones better. Is there a rotation setting?" Seth wondered aloud, watching as the hologram cycled through each outfit one at a time as if to answer his question. "Well okay then, that works. We'll keep it on rotate then," Seth said with a soft smile, powering off the dex for the time being.

Standing up, he'd stretch a little before making his way out of his room and downstairs to the living room where Melody was sitting.

"This is a first," Melody said with a raised brow. "You usually aren't up early for anything," Melody laughed.

"Considering I'm starting my journey today and I'd like to get a head start, I thought it wise to get up and prepare. On the other hand, you're right. I'm never up this early. At least, not since my last lesson with Mathilde," Seth stated.

"Very true, she did have you up at the butt-crack of dawn didn't she?" Melody laughed. "Must've been tiring. So, you never told me anything about the social mister," Melody pouted.

"It wasn't anything exciting really. The only odd thing that happened was that she asked me for a dance," Seth pointed out, getting a blank look from Melody.

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