Chapter Eighty

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Jacqueline had been afraid before, but there was a fine line between being scared and being petrified

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Jacqueline had been afraid before, but there was a fine line between being scared and being petrified. Her legs wouldn't move even though her brain was telling them to. The aura that this woman was emitting was suppressing. Having been in her presence once before, Jacqueline had experienced firsthand some of what Mathilde was capable of when provoked. However, this was nothing like what she'd seen at the Parfum Palace. It was clear from the expression on her face that she was out for blood and was on the verge of snapping should Jacqueline make even the slightest mistake. Her body trembled as Mathilde came to a stop in front of her with one hand on the hilt of her sword as a visual warning.

I-I can't do this... Jacqueline thought, clenching her shaking fists as she looked back at her friends that were still unconscious. I'm sorry guys, but if I don't tell her what she needs to know then we might—no—we won't make it out of here alive and I kinda wanna live to fight another day...

Turning around, she willed herself to look Mathilde in the eyes before disclosing the information that she demanded. Mathilde listened carefully as Jacqueline revealed the location of Lysandre and the rest of the Team Flare members. Each word of betrayal she spoke felt more humiliating than the last. As a member of Team Flare, she'd taken an oath of loyalty to the organization which meant that betrayal would lead to dire consequences if she were to be found out. Her grandparents immediately sprung to mind, causing her to mentally panic at the thought of something happening to them. Mathilde remained silent as Jacqueline informed her of the exact location along with how to get into the base of operations.

"Thank you, you've been most helpful," Mathilde said finally as she turned to walk away from Jacqueline. "A deal's a deal. You may leave..."

Jacqueline exhaled a relieved sigh. Mercy had been granted and she'd be a fool to not accept it. There was just one problem... how was she going to get her friends out of the hideout? Almost as if she'd read her mind, Mathilde looked over at Diantha and nodded to her Gardevoir.

"Mind giving these three a hand?" Mathilde requested.

"I'd be happy to," Diantha replied. "Gardevoir, please teleport the four of us out of here," she commanded, her gaze shifting to Mathilde who gave her an approving nod.

Gardevoir quickly created a psychic link between her trainer and the three individuals she'd requested and proceeded to warp them out, leaving Mathilde behind. Having finished the task she'd set out to do, Mathilde had one final thing that she needed to take care of. Taking a deep breath, she allowed her aura to freely flow through her body.

If I'm being honest, I was hoping that there wouldn't be anyone here so I could just lay waste to all of this. But I can't do that now as the body count would be too high for anyone to ignore. C'est la vie... plan b it is...

Having gathered an adequate amount of energy, she lifted her right foot and stomped it onto the floor causing it to heave as a pulse of electrical energy exploded outward from Mathilde's position. The discharge created an excess flow of electricity so intense that everything targeted began malfunctioning. Screens shattered and systems short circuited all throughout the base until the power eventually shut down completely.

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