Chapter Eighteen

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Seth stood across from Mathilde with his eyes fixed on hers and his hands to his side. The sun was just peeking over the horizon, illuminating the rooftops of the homes of Camphrier Town. A loud silence held sway for but a moment before the sound of singing steel rang through the air. Seth thrust his blade forward, only to be parried by Mathilde who followed up with a swift kick which Seth swayed away from.

Mathilde pressed her advantage, her strikes just missing their mark as Seth avoided a few while parrying others, only to take a kick for his troubles. Seth skidded back from the force of her kick and regained his bearings before swinging his blade up to block an incoming strike from Mathide.

"Good! You seem to have been keeping up with your footwork! Been practicing your dancing?" She asked as Seth gave a forceful shove and sent her sliding backwards, smiling all the way due to the excitement she was experiencing.

"You could say that," Seth replied, glidestepping into a forward thrust which Mathilde brushed aside while matching Seth's speed.

Mathilde quickly thrust her blade forth, her strike barely seen by Seth, who managed to lean his head away from it, feeling the wind as it went by. Seth smirked. Now she was getting serious.

I barely saw that one. It's almost like she threw a punch rather than jabbing with her sword. Sadly, I know she's faster than that, Seth thought nervously, putting his arm up to cushion the blow of her kick towards his head.

Pushing her off, he gained some distance and reset himself, Mathilde doing the same, only to pause as the sun got higher. With a smile, she sheathed her blade and prompted Seth to do the same, which he did.

"Bravo my little protégé. You've done well," Mathilde complimented her pupil while clapping her hands.

"If by well, you mean avoiding getting killed at least three dozen times, then I suppose I did, didn't I?" Seth replied with a faint smile.

"For goodness sake Seth. Take a compliment for once," Mathilde frowned.

Seth rolled his eyes.

"That's one thing I have trouble with, you know this," Seth muttered.

"True, you always were the shy type," Mathilde grinned. "Until you met me that is."

"I didn't have a choice in the matter," Seth chuckled, his eyes catching sight of a ring on Mathilde's finger.

"Did he propose or did you?" Seth asked curiously.

Mathilde broke into a nervous sweat.

"Well...I may or may not have pulled a fast one on him," Mathilde replied with a slight laugh.

"You two didn't elope did you?" Seth asked with a raised brow.

"Now Seth, I may be antsy, but I'm not overly eager to, know," Mathilde snickered.

"I call shenanigans," Seth muttered. "I say you jumped his bones already..."

"Was I that easy to read?" Mathilde grinned.

"Your face is as red as a Darmanitan, so yes," Seth replied.

"Oh my," Mathilde giggled. "But seriously, we haven't wed yet. That's not for a few months. I had hoped to invite you to it as my fiance is just dying to meet you," Mathilde explained.

"Is that a fact?" Seth blinked, scratching the back of his head out of habit.

"Mhm. He's a fencer as well, albeit he is a beginner, much like you were, until I broke you in that is," Mathilde giggled.

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