Chapter Forty-Four

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The sky above Coumarine City was without clouds, perfectly clear. The travelers had finally made the journey to the port city and were taking in the sites of the exclusive resort area. There were hotels everywhere, as far as the eye could see it seemed. Boats were ferrying travelers to and from the port, the same way the group had arrived in the city. There were so many sights to take in and none of them had the faintest idea where to go first. One thing was for certain, Seth at least wanted to find the gym so that he had an idea of where to go later on. Having done his research on the next gym, he determined his team ahead of time, knowing that he held a major advantage. That didn't stop him from taking any extra precautions as this was a gym leader that he was dealing with. He'd learned the hard way that type advantage meant nothing in a fight of pure skill.

"Someone's got a lot on their mind."

Glancing over at Allie, Seth nodded and replied, "how can I not? just look at this place," he added, gesturing to the open water and the boats ferrying from hotel to hotel.

"It is quite a feast for the eyes isn't it?" Allie chuckled, her eyes dancing from resort to resort, wondering which one she ought to stay in that night.

Tomorrow night marked the end of her trip with Seth and the beginning of another. While she was relieved that this would be the last of her time with him until the ball, she was also very conflicted about it. She hadn't expected to actually enjoy the company of this ragtag group of individuals, much less have any fun talking with them. But after seeing them bonding together and conversing with them herself, she'd developed a bit of a soft spot for them. Astonishingly enough, she'd come to find that Seth had just as much of a shot at winning her heart as the others had, and it was a shame that wasn't his goal. She could still live with it, but that didn't mean she had to like it.

At first she'd set out to make him regret his views and persuade his mind to think of her as everyone else had. But her plan ended up backfiring due to her own views on him changing little by little. For once, when she looked at him, she actually saw him as eligible. And that part was what scared her the most. While Charles had swept her off her feet and Thomas had been playful and her childhood friend Grayson had been fun as always, Seth was a completely different caliber of man. Disciple of the Chevalier was a title he held that no amount of nobility could overshadow.

She'd read enough Kalosian History to know just how much of an honor it was to be called her student. All this time she'd considered him a pauper, and while it might stick as a nickname, it does not do him justice status-wise. All of this she'd come to realize in just a few short days. And now, she wasn't angry that her mother had placed him on the list. Truth be told, she was more than happy about it now. She'd seen how he treated his companions with care and respect and his Pokémon with the love they deserve. She could find no reason for him not to be in the competition.

"Allie? you there princess?"

"Huh? oh, sorry... I must have zoned out for a moment there. You know, with all the pretty scenery and such," Allie replied to Serena who shook her head with a sigh, smiling slightly as she placed a hand on her hip.

"It's okay. You're not the only one who does it," Serena replied in a hushed tone while looking pointedly at Seth.

Following her eyes, Allie held in a giggle as she watched Seth continue to stare out over the water, blissfully unaware of what the youth was thinking.

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