Chapter Forty-One

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The sound of Skiddo calls filled the air as Seth and company approached the Baa de Mer Ranch. Laughter intermingled with panic soon reached their ears, leaving the group to wonder what was transpiring on the ranch. From the nervous expression on Serena’s face, Seth had a sneaking suspicion that she knew the reason for the commotion.

“Sounds to me like they’re giving riding lessons today,” Allie said aloud.

Serena gave her an inquisitive look that seemed to ask how she knew.

“What? Just because I live in a palace, doesn’t mean I don’t know about anything beyond its walls,” Allie spoke up before anything could be said.

“Sorry, I wasn’t aware that you knew anything about this place,” Serena replied, frowning.

“As a matter of fact, I do. When I was little, my father would take me here to take riding lessons with the Skiddo,” Allie said proudly.

“Really?” Serena asked with a raised brow. “Seems like I may have a sliver of respect for you after all.”

Serena said this because, when she was little, her mother taught her how to ride a Skiddo before ever teaching her how to handle a Rhyhorn. Still, just the thought of seeing the princess trying to get a handle on riding a Skiddo was something she couldn’t quite picture. She seemed too prim and proper to be doing something so reckless. Yet there she was, in hiking boots, shorts and a tank top with her hair tied up as if she’d done this all her life. Memory of what Seth had told her about his suspicions about her being a refined battler, crept back into her mind.

“Well, it’s not like I was seeking it in the first place, but thank you anyway.”

And there’s the reason I want to hit her…

Serena folded her arms and huffed.
“I wonder if the Skiddo I rode is still there. Perhaps he’s a Gogoat by now,” Allie trailed off.

Before Seth could say a word, the sound of someone yelling reached their ears, drawing their attention to a young man being flung off the back of a Skiddo.

“Dammit, I still can’t get the hang of it!”

“That looked like it hurt,” Tierno said quietly as the others winced in reaction to the misfortune.

“That’s because you chose the most stubborn of the bunch. No offense, but he really doesn’t like you,” a familiar feminine voice said with a slight chuckle.

Every instinct Seth had told him to be on guard in that moment. There was absolutely no mistaking who that voice belonged to. And it seemed as though Seth wasn’t the only one who knew to be wary.

“I know that, but I didn’t think he’d be this difficult Jacqueline.”

Dammit, what’s she doing here!? Seth thought, narrowing his eyes.

Jacqueline looked up and spotted the familiar bunch, a hint of mischief in her eyes upon spotting Seth.

“Looks like your lousy riding drew a crowd Nicholas,” Jacqueline laughed, placing a hand on her hip, a grin spreading onto her face as she swept the group with her eyes, her attention mostly focused on Seth.

The others didn’t matter as much to her as Seth did. The thrill she experienced from their fight was something that she hadn’t experienced in a long time, and it seemed as though fate had brought him to her doorstep. Perhaps she’d get that second round after all. As excited as she was, the presence of the princess was a hitch in her plans to settle the score.

Her disdain for her was no secret as she was standing between her and Charles. She couldn’t, for the life of her, figure out what Charles saw in her. So she was pretty, had nice clothes and had more wealth than anyone could shake a stick at, and that made her burn even more with envy.

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