Chapter Forty-Nine

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The sound of hurried footsteps echoed through the halls that led up to Xerosic's lab. The automatic doors opened swiftly to reveal two disgruntled agents. Xerosic looked up from his work and straightened up, placing his hands behind his back as the agents began to tread farther inside. Lysandre, who had come to check up on the progress Xerosic was making with his assignment also turned to greet his two admins.

"Tyson, Aliana..." Lysandre addressed the two as they entered, "you've returned, meaning the mission was a success I presume?"

"Affirmative, Lysandre, however," Aliana began, clearing her throat as she proceeded, "we had a slight mishap upon finishing the job."

"So you were discovered then?" Lysandre asked, receiving a confirming nod from the two agents.

"It was by the same man who stopped us in Ambrette's cave," Tyson muttered irritably.

"Seth," Lysandre answered.

"Yes, it was him. I can see now why Tyson reacted the way he did when Seth intruded. He's as dangerous as you made him out to be," Aliana added, recalling how vicious Seth's Pupitar and Pawniard were. "But we got what we needed, so his actions stopped nothing."

Xerosic sighed in relief.

"I for one, am pleased to hear that. All of that precious energy is needed for the future of Team Flare," Xerosic inputted happily.

The sound of the lab doors opening again caught their attention. Enzo made his way in their direction, keeping his eyes on Lysandre. The leader of Team Flare held the young man's gaze with intrigue, noticing the determined look in his eyes.

"Lysandre, I have a request," said Enzo as he stopped in front of Lysandre.

"What is it that you seek?" Lysandre asked knowingly as he placed his hands behind his back and looked down at his cohort.

"Permission to go after Seth."

Lysandre examined Enzo after hearing his request. Sure, the boy was driven and undoubtedly a gifted individual. One of his best operatives saw fit to bring him into the fold which was saying something considering how picky Charles was. However, Enzo was far too driven by emotional instability and rage. He was hotheaded, ignorant and cocky, qualities that Lysandre didn't particularly like.

"I hope you realize that you won't receive any backup should you choose to take on this endeavor," Lysandre said in a firm tone.

"Tsk! like I'd need it to stomp that pest," Enzo muttered. "So I take that as a yes?"

Lysandre nodded and said nothing further as Enzo turned to exit the laboratory. As the doors closed, Aliana spoke up.

"Are you sure that's wise, Lysandre? don't get me wrong, the boy is good, but he'll most likely get eaten alive," Aliana said with a nervous laugh.

Lysandre shifted his gaze towards her and gave her a smug grin.

"That's precisely the point, Aliana. While he is arrogant and brash, he does serve a purpose here. By allowing him to have his chance at redemption, we will be able to see how capable Seth truly is..." 


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