Chapter Sixty-Three

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To say that Seth was nervous about the ball would be an understatement, considering he had a dislike for social events of this magnitude in general. As he stood there in his suit staring at his neatly combed hair and tidied up appearance, he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

"That face you're pulling looks familiar," Melody giggled as she walked around to Seth's front and looked up at him. "It's almost as if you're not excited about this."

Seth sighed and adjusted his tie.

"If you'll recall, the last time I went to one of these things, a lot went wrong..."

"True, but that was then and this is now. You're at the halfway mark and given the terms you and Allie started on, this is no small feat. Going from having a mutual dislike for one another to being interested in each other is quite the accomplishment wouldn't you say?" Melody replied smugly, giggling at the frown forming on her brother's face.

"I guess there's no point in denying it, especially not after I made things plain to her during our date," Seth replied while fidgeting with his collar. "Now all that's left to do is get through this ball and get back to business..."

"This is part of the business, Seth. It's going to determine who gets to keep going and who doesn't. This isn't something you can just 'get through.' You'll need to pass everything with flying colors if you want to stay in. I don't think I need to remind you but Allie is looking for a husband. And since you've pretty much established that you're interested in it more than you were at the beginning..." Melody trailed off.

Feeling her brother's hand on her shoulder, she looked up and smiled.

"It's a little strange you know," Seth paused, meeting her eyes as he spoke. "If someone told me a year ago that I was going to be be competing for a princess, I'd have told them they were nuts. Now, for whatever reason... I'm curious about how this will play out if I win."

"Why don't you worry about the ball first before you think about how you'll propose to her after winning this thing?" Melody snickered as she placed a finger over his lips.

Seth placed a hand on her head and ruffled her hair a bit, causing her to giggle and then swat his hand away. "Seth! I just finished combing that," she grumbled cutely.

Seth laughed and took a deep breath, taking one last look at himself in the mirror. Catching sight of Melody in the mirror holding his rapier, he cracked a smile. Melody handed it to him and he secured it on his waist. He'd thought of leaving it behind, but after the discussion with his parents about Allie and her being targeted, he decided that he ought to bring it after all.

Allie could be just the beginning. There are several distinguished individuals with ties to the royal family that could be targeted at any time as well. And from what you've told us, you've meddled in their plans on several occasions meaning you are just as much a target as they are...

Seth narrowed his eyes as he reflected on his father's words.

I know that, Dad. It's better this way. As long as I'm a factor in all this, they'll have no choice but to be careful whenever they plan to make a move. And when they pull another stunt like they did before... Seth clenched his fists as the memory of Melody lying unconscious crossed his mind, I'll crush them...

"You okay Seth?" Melody asked, concern evident on her face upon seeing her brother's serious expression.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I'm just a little nervous, that's all," Seth reassured her. "Anyway, I need to go soon. I told Serena I'd pick her up at six. Our ride is due to arrive in half an hour and I don't want to keep her waiting."

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