Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Perturbed, if anything, was what the queen was feeling At the moment. The news her daughter delivered to her just days ago, was dreadfully unpleasant. Grayson was a friend of the family, and to think that something terrible nearly befell him was unbelievable. On that same note, hearing of Seth and his friends heroics made her thank her lucky stars that he was there.

This might just be my imagination, but it seems as though Seth makes an entrance each time trouble rears its ugly head... thought the queen, the memory of Seth leaping to her daughter's rescue still fresh in her memory, almost as if it were playing out in front of her again.

"Mother?" Allie called from across the dining room table.

It had been a few days since the incident, and she could see the worry etched on her mother's face. Maybe telling them wasn't the best idea? No. It was the right thing to do. The queen snapped out of her thoughts and smiled at Allie.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, what was it you were saying?" she asked, taking a sip of her Razz Berry tea while her daughter laid out elaborate new plans for the competition.

"I was thinking that we ought to host a ball after our contestants have gathered four badges," Allie reiterated, biting into her toast.

Allie's mother tapped her chin in thought. Meanwhile, her father seemed on board, saying, "I think that sounds like a great idea. Might I ask your reason for this?"  he asked.

Allie smiled and gestured with her hand as she spoke. "The reason is simple father. I wish to see how each of them treats the date they will bring."

"A date?" her mother replied with a raised brow, somewhat surprised by this proposal.

"Yes, a date. While I would love to have all of their undivided attention, I cannot realistically duplicate myself. However, if they bring a date, I will be able to observe their interactions to gain a better understanding of their character while not in my presence."

"I see," her mother mused. "In essence, you are wishing to see if the respect they give you is any different than the respect they show to others?"

"Precisely! you see, mother, while we have forty eligible men out there, only the best will do. As it stands, I have thirty-eight more interactions to do before the competition is over. Seeing how they are around other women will give me better insight," Allie finished.

Stroking his chin, the king thought of his daughter's words and with a smile, he nodded in approval. His wife turned to him and smiled as well, a sign that she was on board as well.

"It sounds as though you put a great deal of thought into this. I must admit, we were a little worried when you requested a contest like this. But knowing that this is for you to determine who is best suited to have your affections, puts us more at ease. Therefore, we will make plans to host the ball a few months from now. My understanding is that most are moving towards their third badge already," the king replied with a grin.

"Oh thank you so much! I'm elated you both approve," Allie beamed happily.

"I do have one question, Allie. What will you be doing during that time?" asked the queen, earing an amused smile from her daughter.

"Well, if you must know," she trailed off, relaying her plans to her parents who couldn't help but laugh at what Allie was scheming.

"That actually sounds like fun!" her mother declared. "Would you like for me to assist you with that?"

"Oh by all means mother! I was about to suggest that very thing," Allie giggled.

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