Chapter Forty-Seven

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Allie couldn't get the night out of her head. To say that it felt as though it had all been a dream would be a grave understatement. It was difficult to look in the mirror that morning without envisioning every moment of the dance they shared while on board the boat. Her heart, while steady now, had been racing the night before. An image of Seth extending his hand in invitation, flashed into her mind, making her cheeks tint pink and her face grow hot. 

"Oh Arceus... what even is life right now?" Allie groaned, planting her face between her arms on her dresser. 

Furfrou craned her neck at the sound of her trainer's mumbling. Snickering internally, she stood up and padded over to Allie and sat down, nuzzling her head against Allie's leg. Allie looked down and frowned as she saw a grin on Furfrou's face.

"And just what is that look for, hmmm?" Allie grumbled. 

Furfrou tilted her head to the side as if to say 'whatever do you mean?' Allie wasn't having it. 

"I saw you getting cozy with him. Bet you feel real proud of yourself for muddling up my mind like you've been doing the past three days," Allie pouted, crossing her arms over her chest as she slumped back in her chair. 

Furfrou lowered herself to the floor and simply watched her trainer as she recalled the events of the previous night. From what she could hear, Seth had done a fantastic job. 

"Oh you should have seen it Furfrou! the way he moved was unbelievable. Normally I take the lead but he... he lead me! He was just..." Allie paused, placing her hands over her chest so she could take a deep breath, "so good. So... inconceivably good..." 

"Was he now?" came her mother's voice, startling Allie. 

"Mother! don't tell me you were listening to all that!" Allie shouted, her face red from embarrassment. 

The queen giggled at her daughter's expression and sat down on the bed, beckoning Furfrou to her so she could pet the canine. 

"It sounds like someone had a good time. Though I'm not sure 'good' is the right word for what you experienced," the queen mused, scratching behind Furfrou's ears as she talked. 

Allie took a deep breath, calming herself before saying, "if you must know, mother, it was quite possibly one of the most fun experiences I've had in a while. My body has not, and I mean has not felt like this in a while."

"Oh? and what of Charles? I was certain he showed you a great time on your night with him," the queen inputted, doing her best not to grin too much. 

"Oh he did. He danced as well as I had expected him to, which was fantastic. But my 
Arceus... Seth. I don't know whether I should be infuriated or happy that he was able to effortlessly keep pace with me and make me feel so..."


"Yes!" Allie exclaimed, throwing her hands up in frustration. 

"I had dedicated my time to loathing the man, and then he goes and does this.. this thing that made my body experience things!" Allie huffed. 

The queen held in a laugh and smiled at her daughter. 

"Well Allie, it has been a while since you were challenged that way. While you excel in nearly everything you do, from battling to dancing, you will need to keep in mind that there are those out there who are just as good if not better. Judging by what you just told me, it sounds like you've met your equal in terms of dance. I had a feeling it was only a matter of time."

"Seth? my equal? mother, he's good, but he's not..."

"Your equal? dear Allie, back when I was your age I too had that mentality. In my mind I was a star that nobody could reach... until your father came waltzing into my life with his witty charm and perfect smile," the queen chuckled. "I was as self-absorbed as you until that happened."

For Her Handजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें