Chapter Eighty-Four

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They had finally escaped the death trap that was Team Flare's stronghold

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They had finally escaped the death trap that was Team Flare's stronghold. Their teams had been pushed to the brink but at least Serena was safe at last. Shauna looked down at her best friend, her eyes red from crying. While Seth had managed to stabilize her condition and undo some of the damage that had been dealt, she was still burned really badly. Most of her body was bandaged. It was a sight that none of them ever thought they would see. If that wasn't troubling enough, there was a countdown displayed on each of their holocasters.

Felicity looked over hers which she had set on the table to keep an eye on. Fifteen minutes was all that remained until Lysnadre committed, for lack of better terms, mass genocide. What worried her more was the fact that Seth, hers and Jamie's closest friend, had just taken someone's life in front of them. In all her years of knowing him, she'd never known him to become as violent as this. But given the circumstances, and Serena's current condition, she couldn't help but feel that he was justified in doing what he did.

Jamie looked over at Felicity and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. He knew she was struggling with it as much as he was, and while it was difficult to stomach, he couldn't help but feel that it would have happened eventually. If it came down to it, Jamie and Felicity knew that they probably wouldn't have done it differently. This was no longer a fun-filled journey to the Lumiose Conference. This was life or death, and every single decision was crucial now. Seth knew this which was why he didn't hesitate.

Felicity sighed and crossed her arms as she looked over Serena as she lay steadily breathing. "I hope Seth gives them all exactly what they deserve..." she said bitterly, thoughts of when Melody was put in harms way coming to mind, giving her further reason to accept Seth's decision,

"First Shauna and Melody, then Allie and now Serena. What next?" Jamie replied with an exasperated sigh.

Unbeknownst to him, the answer would come to him in the form of Jacqueline slowly making her way into the room. She too was in rough shape by the looks of things and was walking with a limp. As the group turned to look at her, she gave a sheepish wave and remained quiet while standing off to the side.

"H-How's she doing?" Jacqueline asked, wincing a little due to the pain she was in still.

Trevor heaved a sigh as he looked over at Jacqueline before responding. "She's doing better... the nurse said she would take a while to completely recover. The damage that was done would be irreversable had it not been for Seth stepping in."

"I see... well, I'm glad she's recovering at least. I can't help but feel I'm partially to blame for what happened to her. I know I've earned most of your ire by now but believe me when I say that I'm sorry," Jacqueline replied shakily.

"Looks like my student's had quite the impact on you Jacqueline. I'm glad to see you've started to turn things around."

The familiar voice prompted everyone to whip their heads in its direction, their eyes lighting up the moment they saw Mathilde standing in the doorway.

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