Chapter Twenty

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Honedge hovered up to Seth and circled about him in a curious manner.

"Your skill with a blade is très impressionnant, your instructor, whoever they were, taught you well," Honedge observed as it levitate before him.

Okay... Mathilde did say that something like this was bound to happen eventually, once I used my aura enough. I suppose eventually just became right now, Seth mused, taking a deep breath before speaking to Honedge. "Thanks, though if she heard you say that, her head would get bigger than it already is..."

Perplexed, Honedge tilted itself slightly to the right.

"Your instructor sounds rather arrogant by the sound of things," Honedge deduced.

"To a fault... yes. Aside from her whimsical behavior, she's good, and I mean good at what she does concerning the sword," Seth informed the sentient blade.

"Judging by your footwork, I can tell you've endured some hellish training. Movements like those are très difficile without proper guidance. Were I still a living soul, it would have been fun to test the full extent of your ability. But alas, as you can see..." Honedge sighed.

As Seth and Honedge conversed, the others looked on in bewilderment.

"Is anyone else wondering what's going on here?" Shauna blinked, scratching her head in confusion as she tried to process what was happening. "I know they're talking... but I can't understand it. Honedge I mean..."

"Me too. All I hear is Seth talking and Honedge is... well..." Trevor added with a nervous chuckle.

"And here I thought the day couldn't get anymore weird. First Seth fights it, now he's talking to it," Serena stated with a raised brow.

"I think it's pretty cool," Tierno grinned.

"Your companions are quite the talkative bunch aren't they?" Honedge observed, getting a nod from Seth.

Crossing his arms, Seth glanced over at the foursome who were conversing among themselves, no doubt about the current scenario.

"You could say that. Despite their looks, they're all capable trainers," Seth remarked. "At any rate, why don't we discuss the reason for the out of the blue duel?"

Honedge hovered back a bit before answering. "Of course..."

"To be honest, in my former life, I was always compelled to test myself. The stronger the foe, the more satisfaction I felt whether my endeavours ended in victory or defeat..."

"So in short, old habits die hard?" Seth smirked.

"Oui, and not funny," Honedge grumbled.

"Wasn't trying to be," Seth replied. "So, what do you intend to do now that your little escapade is over?"

"Ah, pas si vite! who said it was over?" Honedge said sharply, fixing Seth with a stare. "After witnessing the skills you possess, my desire to fight has been reignited. Letting the chance to see more, slip away, would be totalement honteux!" .

"Are you asking what I think you're asking? because it sounds like you want to come with me," replied Seth with a stern tone.

Undaunted, Honedge pressed the issue.

"That is exactly what I am saying. "It's not just because you are an excellent swordsman. I wish to meet your master and face her in a duel as well!" Honedge declared. "But before I do, I must know the name of my lord..."

"Seth Da Silva," the brunette responded firmly. "And you don't need to call me your lord..."

"Nonsense! if I am to serve as your sword, you shall be known as my lord!" Honedge demanded.

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