Chapter Thirty-One

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"So if I understand you correctly, the more we capture, the richer we'll become?"

"Exactly. Carbink are the gateway to an unlimited supply of valuable jewels. They are fairly easy to capture, however, finding the damn things is the hard part. If we're extremely lucky, we might end up with one that'll mutate..."

"Well... they do blend in well with this cave. But no matter. With these Houndour we've been given, tracking them down won't be a problem..."

"Ah the perks of joining Team Flare... wouldn't you agree Jacqueline?"

The woman in question glanced over at her two male cohorts and offered a half smile. She had like green eyes and long obsidian locks that were tied up in twin-tails. She wore a red combat suit with a Team Flare insignia etched into the chest area. She wore two heavy-looking golden gauntlets which gave off a fiery aura upon activation.

"You speak the truth Claude," she replied, reaching down to pet her loyal canine.

"So Jacqueline, ya gonna go with Charles to that fancy ball?" the other crimson clad teammate inquired.

Jacqueline blinked at the question and blushed faintly.

"Well... I mean... he did ask if I would attend, Derrick, so I don't see why not," she stated somewhat nervously.

"So that's a yes then?"

"It's not a no," Jacqueline replied hastily.

"No use hiding your infatuation with the captain. It's as clear as that mole on your face," Claude grinned, earning a flustered glare from his comrade.

"For the last time, it's not a mole, it's a beauty mark. Call it a mole again, and you'll be walking funny the rest of the week," Jacqueline hissed.

Derrick rolled his eyes at the duo and crossed his arms.

"Can we get down to business? Those Carbink aren't gonna wait for us to find them."

Jacqueline and Claude mutually agreed to ceasefire for the time being, and refocused their attention on the task at hand. Finding some Carbink. Without anymore words exchanged between the three, they set to work.

"Oh wow! look, how pretty!"

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"Oh wow! look, how pretty!"

Shauna stood at the entrance to the cave, her eyes shimmering with delight as she drank in the vast mirror-filled pathways. Trevor immediately took out his camera and Tierno darted in to see his reflection on the multitude of surfaces, laughing as his body seemed to stretch as he danced from one mirror to the next.

"This looks rather fun," Serena giggled, walking up to one of the reflections before turning to face Seth. "Does this mirror make me look fat?" she grinned, watching as her body seemed to widen.

Seth couldn't help do his best not to laugh. They all looked so ridiculous.

"I'm not sure if I should answer that," Seth replied, suppressing a grin.

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