Chapter Twenty Eight

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Seth remained on the bench as Cecily spun her stories about growing up with Allie, and how she'd been a role model for her to look up to, something that Seth found difficult to imagine with the attitude that little miss entitled carried with her. The lengths he went through to cheer someone up...

"So I have a question for you Seth," Cecily began, tapping her chin as she looked up at him. "You mentioned being in the competition that my cousin is hosting. Does this mean you're competing for her hand as well?" she asked with a hopeful look in her eyes.

Seth mentally groaned at the inquiry as it reminded him of what his mother and sister had tried to imply upon his entering the competition. Not to mention, he had a sneaking suspicion that the queen was hoping this would be the case as well. Carefully thinking about his answer, he took a deep breath before replying.

"That part is still uncertain I'm afraid," Seth answered her, half telling the truth as he himself wasn't sure if the prospect of it was a terrible idea. "As of right now, I don't have any intentions of tying the knot with anyone..."

Cecily frowned slightly at his response and squinted while looking up at him. "But you are considering it, right?" she asked hopefully.

"If I'm being honest? not currently," Seth replied, crossing his arms as he leaned back on the bench. "Not to be disrespectful towards her, but she isn't exactly pleasant company."

"I... can't refute that completely. But she really can be nice! Sure, my cousin is really into herself, but she's always been there for me," Cecily said with a bright smile. "You just have to get to know her better, that's all."

Seth considered her words for a moment. While it was possible he had been quick to judge her, the behaviour she displayed was inexcusable. She would have to start really showing a different side of herself if the princess was to convince him that she wasn't a snobby, entitled brat.

"I'll consider what you've said, for now," Seth replied, getting a gleeful squeal out of Cecily in return.

"Yay! you won't regret it, I promise!" Cecily beamed excitedly.

Sheesh... she's just like Melody. Convincing me to look at the big picture instead of one small detail.

"Hey Seth? are you gonna go to the gym?" Cecily asked hesitantly.

Seth cast his gaze in her direction to notice that she was starting to fidget with her hands. Guessing her thoughts, he smiled and gave his reply.

"You can come with me, I don't mind," he assured her, standing up to stretch.

Cecily's eyes sparkled with delight. "You mean it!? yay!" she exclaimed.

Seth smiled at her cheerful attitude. How he wished he could exude that same cheerful spirit instead of his usual demeanor.

"Wait... those boys might still be there. What if I embarrass myself again?" she worried.

To this, Seth replied, "I wouldn't worry about that if I were you. Just let me handle that."

Cecily smiled nervously, her eyes shifting to the sword at his hip.

"And no, I won't be using it," Seth added as he turned to walk in the direction of the gym.

Relief filled her as Cecily caught up to him. After hearing what Seth had done for her cousin, she could not, for the life of her, figure out why Allie didn't like him.

If it were me, I would have wanted to marry him on the spot! the twelve year old thought with a furrowed brow.

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