Chapter Sixteen

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Seth looked up at the display of movies before him and scratched his head. His friends were still deciding which movie they all wanted to see, while he was debating on even going in the theatre in the first place. He couldn't figure out why he let them talk him into going in the first place.

"Tough choice, isn't it?" Came Serena's voice, garnering the brunette's attention.

"I guess you could say that," Seth shrugged, glancing between the two movies he was mildly interested in.

"I can see you're not really a movie-goer. That's alright," Serena smiled.

"My friend Jamie and my sister Melody are more into this than I-"

"Seth! Yo Seth!"

"Speak of the devil, Jamie?" Seth blinked, somewhat surprised to see his friend at the theatre.

Jamie scampered away from the ticket counter after acquiring his ticket and stopped in front of Seth and Serena.

"How did I know I was gonna see you here?" Seth smirked.

Jamie laughed and pounded knuckles with Seth.

"Did you really think I'd miss the big premier of Liepard Woman?" Jamie grinned.

"That's right, how could I forget your crush on the actress?" Seth stated with a wry grin.

"H-Hey! It's not a crush, it's a fascination," Jamie replied hastily.

"There's a difference?" Serena interjected.

Jamie's eyes shifted to Serena, a question forming within as he drank in her appearance.

"Who's this?" Jamie asked curiously.

"This is Serena, she's a new friend," Seth stated casually.

"Nice to meetcha," Jamie grinned, "I'm Jamie."

"A pleasure to meet you, Jamie," Serena replied with a smile.

"Hey Serena, we decided!" Shauna exclaimed as she ran up beside her friend.

"Yes. After much debate we all decided that Liepard Woman was the option we wanted," Trevor added.

"Cool, so I guess that settles it then," Serena replied.

Jamie slid up beside Seth and watched as Seth's new companions talked.

"Yo Seth, when did you meet them? And since when did you actually talk to girls?" Jamie teased, nudging his friend playfully.

Seth rolled his eyes.

"I met them on the way to Santalune City. I decided to tag along with them since they were on a journey together," Seth explained.

"Are you sure it's not because those two are hella cute?" Jamie grinned.

Seth folded his arms and shook his head.

"They're just friends. Besides...wouldn't it be a bit odd if any of them were more than that? After all, I am in a contest for the hand of a princess," Seth stated simply.

"I thought you didn't care about that," Jamie replied with a quirked brow.

"I don't. But it would probably hinder my chances of winning the other prize if I start dating another woman," Seth shrugged.

"Good point," Jamie responded.

"Besides, Melody and her friend would hound me about it," Seth muttered.

"Speaking of Melody..." Jamie laughed nervously, jerking his thumb towards the line.

Melody and Kate were standing in line when they took note that Seth was there as well. They both smiled brightly and waved to him, who waved back in return.

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