Chapter Seventy-Seven

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Seth was fast asleep after having passed out on the floor of the underground passage

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Seth was fast asleep after having passed out on the floor of the underground passage. Unbeknownst to him he was now in the care of the palace staff and resting on a soft bed while a nurse tended to him. Sitting beside him along with Furfrou whose dears now drooped with worry, were his parents and Melody along with Adélaïde and her husband. Upon receiving a message from the palace that they had been under attack, they had no choice but to return. What they did not expect was for their daughter to be missing and for Seth to be in a critical state. Without hesitation they informed his family who rushed over without delay.

As they sat in silence, the sound of the door opening soon caught their attention. Standing in the doorway was Mathilde, who by the looks of things, was not at all pleased with the scene before her. While her expression remained neutral, Harbin and Collette knew exactly how she was feeling as they could practically see the rage burning in her eyes. Someone had hurt Seth and by extension his friends and family. The entire situation was a mess and to make matters worse she felt partially responsible for it considering she'd been given the task to train and protect him when needed and she wasn't there to do that. As composed as she appeared, it was taking every bit of willpower she had not to lose all sense of reason.

She had a job to do which would involve putting Seth through quite a bit of pain in order to mend his broken body. Nobody spoke, and that was probably for the better. She shifted her focus to the only thing that mattered at the present moment... her student. She could see the extent of the damage that was done to him via an advanced version of Aura Sight and it wasn't pretty. While his Protect managed to defend him partially, it didn't fully safeguard his body from residual damage which was what ultimately put him in this position. Reaching down to her belt, she released Lucario into the room. The bipedal canine also held to silence after having read the room and the scenario that was presented to him.

Am I to assume that I'll be handling the interior damage while you mend the exterior wounds? Lucario telepathically communicated.

That's the idea. His aura channels have been damaged along with his ribs and a few internal organs. I can't promise that anything I do would do anything but put a patch on the wounds but if you were to get in there you could—I mean... Mathilde cracked a little and swallowed the lump in her throat.

Lucario stepped in front of her and placed a paw on her shoulder and looked up into her face. He could see the pain in her eyes and knew that she was just moments from breaking. She'd seen Seth injured hundreds of times due to his own carelessness during their training, but that was nothing she couldn't fix as that damage was something she'd caused. But she'd restrained herself from causing any lasting damage. Whatever the hell this was, was done to kill Seth.

You can count on me, my friend. I've never let you down before and I don't plan on starting now, Lucario added with a reassuring smile.

Mathilde nodded and then turned to face the others in the room before finally breaking the silence. "This might take some time, but rest assurred he will be just fine," she stated, making her way over to her disciple's bedside while Lucario took the opposite side.

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