Chapter Three

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"I just don't understand it Furfrou," Princess Allie huffed as she sat in front of her mirror, applying makeup after her bath

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"I just don't understand it Furfrou," Princess Allie huffed as she sat in front of her mirror, applying makeup after her bath.

Furfrou raised her head, her ears perking up as she listened to her trainer vent.

"I mean, I'm smart, beautiful and rich. I can have anything I desire without so much as having to lift a finger. Who wouldn't want to marry me?" Allie continued, setting her brush with a sigh. "I mean, look at me!" She added, causing Furfrou to snort.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean!?" She scolded, crossing her arms over her chest.

Furfrou lifted an ear and stood up to move closer to Allie as she beckoned her over. It was time for her to be groomed.

"I am completely desirable. There isn't a man out there who wouldn't kill to have me," Allie grimaced as she began to groom Furfrou. "Not in it for me. Just where does he get off saying that? He was lucky enough to hold me for the few moments that he did. He should consider himself fortunate," Allie huffed.

Furfrou winced a little as the brush went through several knots. "I'll show him who's undesirable," she chuckled darkly, getting a worried look from her Furfrou.

"Seth? Is everything alright?" Mrs

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"Seth? Is everything alright?" Mrs. Rosseau inquired as she stood by Seth's desk. "You seem rather spaced out."

"Huh? Oh...sorry Mrs. Rosseau. I had a long night that's all," Seth replied truthfully, yawning slightly as he adjusted himself in his seat.

Mrs. Rosseau sighed.

"You're going to work yourself to death at this rate Seth. I know you want to start your journey as quickly as possible, but shouldn't you slow down a little? Your final exam isn't until next week," she reminded him.

"Yeah, I know. But if I have any hope of passing that exam, I need to keep studying up until the last minute," Seth added, stretching in his seat a little.

"Mrs. Rosseau is right Seth. You work too hard. Take a break once in a while man," a young girl said with a sigh.

"I'm fine Felicity. I think I'm just tired from the workout with Pawniard," Seth replied, cracking his knuckles and picking up his book once more, glancing back at Mrs. Rosseau, waiting for her to continue.

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