Chapter Sixty-Eight

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The inside of the Lavarre Gym was as beautiful as the city itself. Seth couldn't help but marvel at the way it was structured. It was as though he'd been transported to Johto. The arena had four bridges connected to it. Around the arena were various shrubs that weren't native to Kalos. Several young women dressed in various styles of kimonos were seen tending to the plants while various Fairy-type Pokémon roamed about.

"It's quite beautiful isn't it?" came a soothing voice from the opposite side of the arena that attracted the group's attention.

Sauntering through the dark entryway on the other side of the battlegrounds was an exotically dressed woman with hair as dark as a Murkrow's feathers and eyes that shimmered like amethyst gemstones. She had porcelain skin and wore purple hair clips on her head that resembled Audino ears. Seth recognized her face instantly. Having seen his sister's friend Kate reading her weekly fashion magazine, there was no doubt that the confident, high heel-wearing woman walking their way, was Valerie. The former model came to a stop in front of the trio and smiled warmly at them. Her amethyst eyes soon met with Seth's and then trailed down his frame to his sword.

"That is quite the fashion statement you're making there challenger," Valerie mused, inspecting the decorative hilt and sheath. "Though I could tell by the way you walked into my gym that you know how to wield it am I right?"

"Well, you're not wrong," Seth replied with a slight laugh. "I've had a few years of practice with it so I guess you could say I know a little something..."

"Seth... I know you always play the modesty card, but saying that you have only a few years experience and only know a little something, is utter Tauros sh—" there was some muffled noises as Felicity's hand covered Jamie's mouth.

"That's enough out of you," Felicity hissed. "Don't mind him, he's a knucklehead..."

"Be that as it may, at least he was being honest about your friend's skill," Valerie laughed, turning her eyes back to Seth to give him a knowing look. "So Seth was it? It's obvious that you wish to challenge me. I can tell by the fire in your eyes that you're as eager to battle as I am, so why don't we set the stage and give our viewers a show they won't soon forget?"

"Viewers?" Jamie questioned, glancing around at the gym, wondering when the other trainers that were gathered on the other bridges had arrived.

"Sometimes people come a few hours early to the gym on days that I'm scheduled to throw a fashion show. So I let them stay and watch a match or two if they want," Valerie explained. "Blossom, would you come over here and be the judge for Seth and I?"

Making her way onto the center of the arena was a young, dark-skinned woman with light brown hair and almond colored eyes. She wore a purple and pink kimono and a pink flower in her hair. If Seth didn't know any better, he'd think that she was related to Shauna had it not been for the subtle differences that made the opposite true.

"Of course, Miss Valerie," Blossom responded politely, clearing her throat to say, "this is an official gym battle between Valerie, the Lavarre City Gym Leader and the challenger Seth! This will be a three on three match. Only the challenger will be allowed to substitute Pokémon! As the challenger, Seth will be allowed to make the first move! Trainers, send out your first Pokémon!"

"Sylveon, the stage is yours!" Valerie called out, releasing the Intertwining Pokémon from his chamber.

Okay... she's obviously not going to be playing any games if she's going big from the start. If I'm to take that Sylveon down I need to hit it where it hurts... and I know just the way to do that...

"Cerise, you awake back there?" Seth asked the twin phantom blades.

"For the last time, m'lord, I don't sleep..." Cerise muttered as she materialized into view.

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