Chapter Fifty

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The doors to Sycamore's laboratory opened as two young trainers exited the establishment. The young man had dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes while the woman had light brown hair and vibrant hazel eyes. They each had a new companion beside them and seemed very excited about it. 

"Wow... I know we learned about Mega Evolution before graduating, but seeing it like that was even more intense than I imagined," said the dirty blonde to his friend. 

"Of course it'd be a shocker for you, Jamie, you've never seen it up close like that. Me on the other hand, I've been to the Battle Chateau where it gets even more intense than that," she told Jamie with a slight laugh. 

"You have more time on your hands than I do, Felicity. My parents weren't too keen on my goofing of too much," Jamie muttered. 

"And yet you and Seth somehow found ways to do so," Felicity quipped, glancing down at the quadruped companion beside her. 

Bulbasaur seemed quite content with his new owner, and walked confidently beside her. He couldn't count the number of times he'd been overlooked because of the other two. That euphoric bliss he felt when she passed up that lizard for him was magnificent. He glanced over at the Squirtle that was beside Jamie and smiled contentedly. 

"I had to find some way to live a little. And now that I'm off on my own, I can have all the fun I want to," Jamie replied happily. 

"I'm just happy to have earned that second badge. We're not there yet, but we'll catch up to Seth eventually," Felicity said, a certain excitement in her voice as she thought of the challenge he posed. 

"Trying to reignite that old rivalry you two had eh? I feel you. I can only imagine what his team must be like right now," Jamie pondered aloud. 

"Hyper Voice!" a familiar voice called out, prompting the two to exchange glances before hustling toward the sound of a crowd that had gathered. 

A large group of people were standing just down the street from the laboratory, all eagerly watching the match between two trainers

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A large group of people were standing just down the street from the laboratory, all eagerly watching the match between two trainers. On one side stood a young man with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. A Honedge hovered beside him and a Pyroar was crouched in front of him, her tail swaying to and fro. Across from them stood another young man with a Poliwrath with his arms crossed over his body, his feet digging into the concrete to keep himself from sliding any farther back. 

"Well I'll be damned, your Pyroar's a lot stronger than I was expecting," the youth said with a gleeful smile. "I knew you'd be a tough opponent. I never got the chance to thank you—Seth—and your friends properly, for saving my ass back in the caves."

"You certainly chose a fun way to do it," Seth replied with a grin.

"Battle is a language we trainers can all understand right? It conveys our deepest emotions without us having to say a word to each other. My mom said she's eternally grateful to you guys. So let's continue shall we? Poliwrath, Dynamic Punch!" Grayson bellowed.

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