Chapter Sixty-Four

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Adélaïde stood beside her husband and her daughter while waiting in the foyer for the guests to arrive. Everything had been done according to her specifications as far as decor went. The musicians were all tuning up their instruments and the dining hall was all prepared for the participants and their dates to arrive. The scent of Celadon Vegetable Soup and Olivine Lamb wafted through the air, making for a most welcoming aroma. The cooks were definitely hard at work. The palace hadn't smelled like this since their last event.

"I must say, you've really outdone yourself this time," the King said as he looked around. "This is sure to be something our guests won't soon forget."

"That's just how mother is. She never does anything half way," Allie replied with a soft laugh. "When I announced that I wished to host a ball, I had no doubt that she would make something as spectacular as this. If my birthday was any indication that she knows how to throw a party, even though there was an unexpected accident," Allie paused, albeit a happy one now that I think of it, "it's only right to assume that this would be even more grand."

"Oh Allie, you give me far too much credit. This was your idea after all. I just lent you a hand in making it happen," Adélaïde giggled.

"And I suppose you also lent me a hand when you gathered the finest chefs in Kalos, along with the most well known concert musicians to be part of this?" Allie said grinning. "You did far more than I'd expected."

"Well, when you put it that way, I can't really argue now can I?" Adélaïde said smiling.

As the three royals conversed, the door opened to reveal Yusuf. The elderly butler gave a polite bow before addressing them saying, "the first of the guests have arrived. The rest are due to be here within the hour as scheduled," he stated, turning aside to open the door wider to show the line of guests at the door.

Standing at the forefront was Seth and Serena, much to the delight of Allie who greeted her with a bright smile and a swift, tight hug.

"Allie! It's so good to see you again, how are you?" Serena exclaimed happily, excited to see her newfound friend again.

"I've been well! I'm happy to see you too. Sorry I haven't been able to talk much, I've been busy as you can see," Allie replied with a nervous laugh. "Love the dress by the way, blue is a fantastic color on you!"

"Aww, thanks, your dress looks gorgeous too! I couldn't decide at first, but after spending so much time around a certain friend of mine, her and I came to a consensus on what I should wear," Serena replied gleefully. 

"Well you picked a winner I'd say," Allie responded, her eyes shifting to Seth to find his piercing sapphire eyes focused completely on her.

A smile played on her lips as she took note of the subtle once over he was pulling on her. She was about to bring it to his attention when her mother stepped forward to address him. Adélaïde placed a kiss on Seth's cheeks and stepped back. The King extended his hand and gave Seth a firm handshake as well.

"It's been quite some time, Sir Seth," Adélaïde stated, meeting his eyes with a friendly gaze.

"Our daughter tells us that you treated her to a fantastic evening on the last night you two spent together. Personally, I'm looking forward to see if you'll treat your date the same way," said the King.

"It was an enjoyable evening," Seth replied, his eyes shifting back over to Allie before redirecting themselves to Adélaïde and her husband, "one I won't soon forget. As for the other matter, you won't have to worry about that," Seth added, tossing a smile at Serena who returned the gesture.

"I've no doubt you two will do just fine," Adélaïde responded, her eyes shifting toward her daughter, taking note of the sidelong glances she was giving Seth. Seems like you've done a fine job, Seth. I've noticed a great deal of change in her these past few months. You have my gratitude once again my friend...

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