Nothing Wrong With Blue

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What do you mean there's nothing wrong with Blue?' Lance demanded.
Pidge push her glasses up her nose. 'Coran and I ran full diagnostics, and there's nothing wrong with Blue Lion,' she said.
Lance frowned. 'But he stopped working,' Lance said.
'It could have been a glitch that has worked its self out.' She didn't sound convinced as she said that. 'Or it could have picked upon some negative emotions. You and Keith have been arguing a lot lately.'
'He's my rival,' said Lance, 'of course we argue, but it doesn't mean anything.'
'Yeah, right,' Pidge said deadpan.
'Come on, Buddy,' said Hunk, 'we know you have it bad for Keith, your feelings could be...getting in the way.'
'No, they're not,' snapped Lance, 'Keith is straight, so there are no feelings.'
'You keep telling yourself that, buddy,' Hunk said, gripping Lance's shoulder.
'Paladins to the bridge,' Allura said over the loud speaker.
When they gathered on the bridge, Lance saw Keith standing behind everyone near the door. Allura greeted them all, but ignored Keith.
'We have picked up a distress signal from the planet below,' she said.
'We didn't pick up anything when Keith and I were down there,' Lance said.
'With Blue Lion malfunctioning, you may not have picked it up,' she said.
'Yeah, but Red was fine,' Lance said.
Allura ignored his words. 'We need to investigate the source of the signal, and provide aid,' she said.
'Suit up, everyone,' Shiro said.
After changing, Lance ziplined down to Blue only to find its force field up around it.
Lance frowned and placed his hand on the force field. Nothing happened.
'Come on, Blue,' he said, 'it's me, your buddy, Lance. Let me in.'
'Lance, what's going on?' asked Shiro.
'Blue has his forcefield up and won't let me in,' Lance said.
'Shiro, Red's done the same thing,' Keith said.
'Maybe Pidge is right,' said Hunk, 'and they're sick of your arguments.'
'Hey,' protested Lance.
'They're not the only ones,' said Shiro. 'While we are on this mission, I want you two in the training room and work out this hostility you have for each other.' Keith and Lance started protesting. 'And that's an order,' Shiro said over the top of them.
The two young men met back in the change room and removed their amour and changed before going to the training room in silence.
'I don't see how they think more bonding exercises will help,' Lance grumbled when they reached the training room. 'We're natural rivals, it's just our thing.'
'Only in your head,' Keith said.
'What's that meant to mean?' asked Lance.
'I've never wanted to be anyone's rival,' said Keith. 'You're the one going around telling everyone that, and now it's affecting our lions.' Keith removed his jacket and threw it on the floor near the wall and turned to him. 'Red said you were distracted just before Blue malfunctioned.'
'So,' Lance said.
'So, what's wrong?' asked Keith.
'Nothing,' Lance said quickly. 'I have no idea what you're talking about.' He looked away from Keith, wanting to look at anything but him, but at the same time he wanted to take in every detail he could of the other man. Keith was a couple of inches shorter than himself, a perfect size to cuddle. Lance sighed. That would never happen.
'Are you uncomfortable because I'm part Galra?' asked Keith.
Lance's head snapped around. 'Of course not,' he said, his brows together in a frown. 'That doesn't change who you are.'
'Then you just hate me,' Keith said.
'I don't hate you,' Lance muttered. Keith looked at him confused. He was so damn cute when he tipped his head slightly to the left and frowned trying to understand. Lance sighed. 'I guess, I said that after you left because I thought I could never ever come close to being the pilot or fighter you are. Eveyone just looked at me with disappointment because I managed to screw everything up all the time.'
'You're not a screw up,' said Keith, 'you're a great pilot and you earned the name sharpshooter.'
Lance laughed. 'I gave that to myself.'
'I know,' said Keith, 'and your a hell of a shot, something I've never been able to master.'
Heat rose in Lance's cheeks at the unexpected compliment.
'The mark on your face,' said Lance, changing the subject, 'how did you get it?'
Keith's fingers went to the right side of his face. 'Oh, when I first changed into my Galra form. My mother has the same mark on her face because markings run through a family line.'
'How come you have it in you human form?' asked Lance.
'I don't know,' Keith admitted. He sank to the floor and sat cross legged and Lance joined him. 'There's not much known about a hybrid like myself.' He sighed. 'I don't fit in as a human or as a Galra.'
Lance saw the sadness in Keith's eyes.
'Did you mother say where she met your father?' asked Lance.
Keith's face went like stone. 'No, and I didn't ask.' His mouth pressed together in a thin line.
'Sorry,' muttered Lance. 'I didn't mean anything....'
'I know,' interrupted Keith. 'Not everyone has a wonderful family life like you.'
Lance couldn't imagine what it would be like to be brought up as an orphan, living in the system and never having anything to call your own. He had a large, loving family he missed everyday and wanted nothing more than to hug his parents and be annoyed by his siblings. But when Keith returned to Earth, there was no-one there for him, no-one missing him, or waiting for him to return.

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