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Keith was thrown to the floor and kicked in the stomach, before being pulled into a standing position. His wrists were shackled to chains attached to the ceiling, and ankles shacked to the floor. In front of him were controls like in the Castle to activate the teludav.
His hair was grabbed and his head yanked backwards and he came face to face with Lotor.
‘So, you do have red markings,’ said Lotor. ‘I thought Alkarah was just trying to get back on my good side. He told me who your father was, making you a royal bastard, but a royal none the less. Which means you can use the teludav on this ship.'
‘Never,’ Keith said.
‘Don't be an idiot,’ said Lotor, ‘you can do it willingly, or I’ll make you.'
‘Sir, Black lion approaching.’
‘Don't engage just yet, get us out of here,’ Lotor ordered.
‘Yes, sir.’
‘Malik, show our guest what happens when he refuses to cooperate,’ Lotar said.
A large muscle bound Galran stepped up to Keith and started punching him.
Pain shot through his body, and stars swam before his eyes, as each punch drew him closer to the edge of oblivion. Then it stopped.
Lotor yanked his head back again.
‘Use the teludav an get us out of here,' Lotor said.
‘No,’ Keith gasped.
‘Malik, continue,' Lotor ordered.
Fists rained down on Keith, and his legs gave way and he hung by his arms from the ceiling.
‘Now, get us out of here,’ Lotor said, again.
Keith shook his head.
‘Malik,' Lotor said.
Keith's t-shirt was grasped from behind and ripped from his body. He heard the crack of a whip, seconds before he felt the seering pain across his back. He clamped his teeth together to stop himself making any sound. He refused to give Lotor the satisfaction.
Again and again the whip came down, criss-crossing across his back.
Lotor yanked his head back. ‘Activate the teludav and this will all stop.’
‘Go to hell,’ Keith growled.
‘Send out fighters to intercept Black lion,' Lotor ordered.
‘Yes, sir.'
‘You can save Shiro by getting us out of here,' Lotor said.
Keith shook his head.
‘Malik, again,' Lotor said.
Pain consumed Keith, his mind hung on the edge of conciousness, the taste of blood in his mouth. Each breath sent stabbing pain through his chest, the shackles cut his wrists as he hung there, blood pooling on the floor beneath him.
Your mate comes. Use your power.
Keith didn't understand. He didn't know what to do.
Trust your instincts.
Lotor hauled him to his feet by his hair. ‘Use the teludav.’
Keith looked up at him and nodded. He pulled himself to his feet using the chains.
‘Loosen the chains,’ Lotor ordered.
Keith's hand fell to his sides. Shaking with effort he put his hands on the controls.
Lotor grinned and turned to the windows on the bridge.
Keith closed his eyes and the faint yellow light of his quintessence glowed beneath his hands. His eyes snapped open and glowed bright, along with his Altean markings.
‘Sir,’ Malik said.
Lotor turned and his eyes widened.
‘Sir, we've lost control of the ship.'
The external guns started firing at the fighters, destroying them.
‘No,’ growled Lotor. ‘Get him away from the controls.'
A shield went up around Keith they couldn't penetrate, and the ship began to turn back the way it came, fighters exploding around them.
‘STOP HIM,’ Lotor screamed.
Guards rushed forward only to be thrown back by lightening striking and killing them.
The bridge of the ship was in chaos. The alarm to abandon ship sounded and Lotor screamed his fury.
‘I'LL KILL YOU,’ Lotor yelled as he fled the bridge.
Lance burst through the door, and came face to face with Lotor.
Lotor brought up his elbow and smashed it into Lance's face knocking him to the ground and ran from the bridge.
Pushing himself to his feet, Lance picked off any Galran trying to make a run for it, until the bridge was clear.
Lance ran to the shield and stood in front of Keith, amazed at what Keith was doing.
‘Keith, you can stop,’ said Lance. ‘Please look at me.’
Keith's gaze moved to Lance.
‘Baby, it's over,’ Lance said.
Keith disconnected himself from the ship and collapsed unconscious to the floor.
Shiro: Lance, what's going on?
‘l've found him,' said Lance. ‘I'm heading back with him.’
Lance shot the chains free with his blaster, then picked Keith up and hurried to where Shiro waited for him.
Pidge: We have partial power in the Castle.
Lance entered Black lion with Keith, and Shiro's breath caught in is throat at the sight of him. He could see the wounds on Keith's back and felt sick.
‘How about the pods?’ asked Shiro.
Allura: Not yet.
‘Can we get back to Earth?’ asked Lance, as he sat on the floor with Keith in his arms.
Allura: Yes, we should be able to open a wormhole, but it'll take most of our power. We should remain here until…
‘No,’ said Lance. ‘We have to get Keith away from New Altea. Open a wormhole to Earth for us. You can either come or stay.‘
Hunk: Is Keith okay?
‘No,' Lance said.
There was a pause.
Allura: I'll open a wormhole for you. We'll follow you when we can, with a working pod.
Shiro push Black lion to it limits as they headed back to New Altea, and the trip seem to take forever.
‘We're ready,' Shiro said.
They waited a minute before seeing the wormhole appear, and Shiro flew through, and it wasn't long before they landed in field near Lance's home.
It was late at night, but there was still a light on in the house.
Shiro burst through the door first, followed by Lance with Keith in his arms.
Maria, Jorge and Marco had jumped to their feet in fright, but that soon turned to horror when they saw Keith.
Lance took Keith straight up to the bedroom and the others followed close behind.
‘Lay him on his stomach,’ Shiro said.
Lance did, reveling the wounds.
‘Oh my god,' said Maria. ‘Shiro, he needs a doctor, he should have been taken to a hospital.'
‘He's staying here until the healing pods are repaired,’ Lance said.
‘I'll go to the Garrison and get a doctor,’ Shiro said, hurrying away.
‘What happened?' asked Jorge.
‘It was a trap,’ Lance said.

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