Dinner With Family

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When they finished changing Keith and Lance sat on the bed together and had their coffee, glad for a chance to relax with no threat of battle at any minute.
‘I love your parents,’ said Keith. ‘I thought for sure they'd freak out.'
‘And I told you they would love you,’ Lance said. He took their empty mugs and put them on the desk. Sitting back down on the bed, Lance pulled Keith into his lap so Keith was straddling him and kissed him.
Nothing existed but them. Lance ran his hands up the back of Keith's shirt, desperate to touch his warm, pale skin as much as possible. Lance managed to turn them and he lay down, pulling Keith with him in a steamy make out session.
'Oy, mama wants your mugs,’ Veronica snapped from the doorway.
Keith sat up and frowned as Veronica left again.
‘I don't think your sister likes me,’ Keith said.
‘Don't take it personally,' said Lance. ‘Veronica is a grumpy cow most of the time, she could even give you some lessons.’
‘Ha ha,' Keith said.
Keith got off Lance and they took their mugs and such down to the kitchen to be met with a glare from Veronica who was sitting at the table.
Lance walked out of the kitchen to be accosted by the younger McClain's all squealing their delight at seeing he again.
‘Why do you have a knife on your belt?’ asked Veronica.
‘Habit, I guess,’ Keith said.
'Don't you think it's dangerous around kids?’ asked Veronica.
‘I'm the only one who can move it from it's sheath,' Keith said.
'Really,’ said Veronica, sarcastically. 'So if I tried to take it from you…’
‘Don't even try it V,’ warned Lance, ‘No-one touches his blade without permission, not even me.’
‘That's stupid, it's a knife,’ Veronica scoffed.
‘You lot go outside and play,' Lance said to his siblings. He went and sat at the table. ‘It's not stupid, it's his property and it means something to him, so don't touch it.’
‘Someone's being overprotective,' said Veronica, 'can't you take care of yourself or something?'
‘Veronica, take Marco and set up the table and lights outside, it's going to be a beautiful night, we will dine outside,’ said Maria, ‘also, set two extra places.’
‘Why, who's coming?' asked Veronica.
‘Keith's family,’ Maria said.
‘Why can't Lance help Marco?’ Veronica whined.
‘I'll help him,' Keith said.
Maria smiled. ‘Thank you, Keith. You will find him out the front.'
Keith passed Lance, glad for the chance to get away from Veronica, and found Marco outside staring up at the lions. He stepped up next to him.
‘They are incredible,’ Marco said.
‘Would you like to see inside?' asked Keith.
‘Really,’ Marco grinned. In that moment he reminded Keith of Lance.
‘Sure, come on,’ Keith said.
As they walked towards Red, her shield came down and she lowered her head and opened her mouth.
‘Oh, wow,' said Marco, as they entered. ‘This is amazing.’
Keith sat down in the chair and the control panel came to life. Marco's eyes became wider.
Keith answered questions for the next ten minutes before they headed back to the house.
‘You mother wants us to set up table and lights out here,’ Keith said.
'Okay, they're in the shed around the side,’ said Marco. ‘So I have to ask, are you the infamous Keith from the Garrison, Lance always went on about?’
Keith laughed. ‘Yes, that would be me.'
‘He had such a thing for you even back then,’ said Marco. ‘It's actually nice to finally meet the man who had him in such a state.’ Marco grinned as Keith's cheeks flushed.
They entered the shed and found the tables, taking two each they went back out the front and get them up in a line, before returning to the shed for the folding chairs and lights.
Luis came running out of the house with table cloths, followed by Lance and Leo with plates and cutlery. They worked for the next hour to get everything set up.
By the time the sun began to set, the light were turned on making the scene look magical. The lights string from the huge leafy trees, the nearby firepit had been lit as the temperature began to drop.
Lance moved up behind Keith and wrapped an arm around him, in his other arm he held Molly.
‘You look lost in thought,’ Lance said.
‘I was thinking how beautiful it is here,’ said Keith. ‘Do you think your parents would let us have our wedding here?'
‘Do you mean that?’ asked Lance.
Keith turned in his arms and looked up at him.
‘Yes, unless you want to hire a venue somewhere,' Keith said, placing his hands on Lance's hips.
'No, actually I was going to ask if you would consider having it here,’ said Lance. ‘I didn't want you to feel pressured into having it here just because it's my home.’
‘I would never feel that,’ Keith said.
Lance kissed him and pulled him tight to his body.
‘Oh please,’ groaned Veronica. ‘Are we going to have to put up with you two making out all over the house.’
‘What is your problem?’ asked Lance. ‘I mean, I know you're grumpy but this is taking it a bit far even for you.’
‘Get stuffed, Lance,’ she snapped on the way to the tables with a bowl of food.
Lance looked up as Black lion came into view. ‘Shiro and Adam are here,’ he said.

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