I Hate Hormones

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Over the next week, Keith mostly did as he was told and stayed in bed. He took the time to start working on his first book, and Enya kept trying to steal his smoothie each time Lance made him one. Keith's morning sickness finally stopped, and he was only nauseous some of the morning.

'Baby, I got a text from the builders to go in tomorrow to have a look at the plans for the house,' Lance said excitedly when he dashed into the bedroom. 'You good to go at 11am?'

'Yep, any time,' said Keith. 'Where's Jaya?'

'Helping papa clean up the orchard,' said Lance, sitting on the edge of the bed. 'I have a feeling he's going to be doing that a lot, and papa loves the company. Shiro, Romelle and Naroc are going to be here in about ten minutes.'

Lance heard and small noise and lay back on the bed. Enya was laying on her tummy next to Keith's thigh. Maria had gone shopping and brought back some premature baby onesies back for her. She had even put in buttonholes in the back to put her tail through.

'Are you hiding?' asked Lance. Enya grinned at him. 'You cheeky thing.'

She half crawled, and half pulled herself over to him and he scooped her up and sat up again.

'From the look of this full tummy, someone got into daddy's smoothie again,' Lance said, tickling her. 'Did she let you have any of it?'

'When she wasn't trying to steal the bowl,' Keith said.

When they heard the ship land outside, Keith and Lance headed downstairs.

Maria took Enya and put her in the play pen with Molly and stayed in the lounge room with them, while the other sat around the dining table, with Veronia and Marco.

'Thanks for meeting with us,' said Shiro. 'As you know, we will be starting your training as paladins at the end of the school holidays. Between Keith, Lance, Pidge and Hunk they are going to try and get you flying within a month.'

'That soon?' asked Veronia.

'The Zanberrians are starting to make their presence noticed,' said Romelle, 'and there are planets calling for Voltron's aid. Even with three lions, we need to be seen so the Zanberrians don't think Voltron is out of commission.'

'We're waiting another week before we start training because in that time, we want all the paladins moved into the Castle,' said Shiro. 'You will be close to the Garrison, and you will be available at a moment's notice. Wherever the Castle goes, you go to get used to travelling and meeting other races.'

Veronica looked like she was about to throw up. Marco on the other hand nodded. He had been cleaning out his room, knowing something like this was likely to happen. Veronica had been teasing him about it and telling him they wouldn't be going anywhere.

'Unlike last time, we will have Altean staff in the Castle to look after maintenance, cooking, cleaning, and medical,' said Naroc. 'They will be utilising the rooms on the lower floor and the paladins will each have a suite on the second floor. I have placed name plates on your door so you can find your room. You are welcome to move your belongings, and yourselves, into the Castle any time between now and the end of next week.'

'I'll bring them over when they're ready,' Keith said.

'Thank you, Keith,' smiled Romelle. 'I was hoping to impose on you for that.'

'Do you have any Blade members who've expressed an interest in wanting to become paladins?' asked Shiro.

'There are around ten who have,' Keith said.

'Excellent. Tuesday next week Garrison staff and cadets, can present themselves to Black and Yellow lions. We're happy for any Blade members to join us to try as well.'

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