Physical Toll

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The next morning, Lance divided his time between looking after Keith, getting Jaya ready for school and feeding Enya.

'Lance, why have you cut the nappies?' asked Maria, as she came into the kitchen.

'Oh, Enya has a tail,' he said. He gently pulled the wrap aside to show her.

'Well, I never,' she said.

'I know, it so cool,' Lance said.

Jaya came hurrying down the stairs with is bag and hat. 'Can I take my bag to school?'

'Of course you can,' said Lance. 'You need something to put your snack in. It's on the table along with your breakfast.' He handed Enya to his mother. 'I'm going to check on Keith before we need to go.'

He found Keith laying on the bed, totally miserable, and looking pale.

'Hey, baby,' he said sitting on the edge of the bed and running his hands through Keith's hair. 'I'm about to take Jaya to school.

Keith nodded, and closed his eyes.

Lance was beginning to worry about him and wondered if Keith was doing to much. As he went back downstairs, he sent a text to Michaels. If they were going to be there with Enya, then maybe he could get Keith checked out as well.

Jaya waited in the loungeroom with Kosmo, and looked up excited with Lance came back.

'Okay little man, let's get you to school,' Lance said.

He dropped Jaya off at his classroom, and spoke briefly to Zac, who promised to keep a close eye on him. Kosmo caused a stir as he followed them through the corridors, but none of the kids were quiet brave enough to ask to pat him.

When Lance returned home, Maria told him to go and look after Keith until he was feeling better and she would tend to Molly and Enya.

He went into the room and lay on the bed next to Keith, and gently coaxed him to turned over. When Keith did, he buried his face in Lance's neck and he fell asleep again.

It was 10:30am when Keith forced himself out of bed to have a shower. Lance presented Keith with a smoothie bowl when he came down to the kitchen, and he purred as he ate it.

They arrived at the school five minutes before the lunch and went up to the classroom. Jaya sat at a desk that looked like it had been brought over from the preschool, and was concentrating hard on writing in his book along with the other kids. When the lunch bell went, all the other kids hurridly put their things away, but Jaya kept going. Zac had to go over to him to tell him it was time to pack up.

Jaya nodded, and Zac gave him a fond smile. When Zac saw them he motion for them to come in and joined them.

'He's done exceptionally well,' Zac said. 'He's very eager to learn and picked things up quickly, I wish I had a class full of students like him. He did well in the playground, and made a couple of friends that looked out for him and invited him to play soccer with them.'

Jaya hurried over to them. 'Mr Stear, that's Enya.' He pointed to the bundle in Keith's arms.

'May I,' asked Zac.

Keith held Enya so he could see her.

'She's so small,' he said in wonder. He then frowned. 'Jaya said that you are pregnant.'

Keith nodded. 'Twins.'

'Incredible,' Zac muttered. 'I better let you go, and I will see you tomorrow morning, Jaya. Grab your hat and bag.'

They headed back out to the front of the school. Lance picked Jaya up, then they had Kosmo take them over to the hospital for their appointment with Michaels.

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