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They all took the lift back down.
‘Adam and I will go and arrange boxes to pack out belongings into,' Shiro said, and the two headed off.
‘What's wrong?’ Keith asked Lance as they healed back to their room.
‘Where will we go?' asked Lance. ‘We've lived in the Castle for the last two years, we don't have anything except your shack.'
‘We can't take Molly there,' said Keith, ‘it's no place for a baby.'
Maria looked confused. ‘You come home,' she said.
'But Mama, there's three of us, and we need to find jobs…’ Lance began.
Maria gave a wave of her hand. ‘All the more reason you come home until you get on your feet.’
‘Exactly, there is no way we would let you go anywhere else,’ said Jorge, ‘and Molly needs somewhere stable to live.’
‘You're trying very hard to convince us,’ said Keith, ‘but you don't need to. We'd be happy to take up the offer.’
'What about V?’ asked Lance, as he rubbed his hands on this thighs. The things she said were still fresh in his mind.
‘You leave her to us,’ said Jorge. ‘You two get everything sorted in your room, that's all you need to worry about.'
Jorge and Maria left and they went into their room. Keith put Molly in the cot with some toys and turned to Lance.
‘Okay, what's wrong?' askad Keith.
‘Why would you think anything was wrong?’ asked Lance.
‘Because you've gone quiet,’ said Keith, ‘that's a sure sign you're worried about something. Is it because of what Pidge said about Allura and New Altea?'
Lance turned away the same as he had before.
‘You're an Altean prince,' said Lance, quietly. ‘I'm worried I would never be enough for you.'
Keith went and put his arms around Lance's waist, and buried his face in the crook of his neck.
‘I'm still the same person,' said Keith. ‘I have no interest in that life, and I have no interest in Allura.’ Keith lifted his head and whispered in Lance's ear, ‘Truth be told, you're much better in bed, and you're the only one who can make me purr.’
A smile pulled at Lance's lips. ‘Is that right.’ His hands found there way under the back of Keith's t-shirt.
‘Mhm, remember, your my soulmate.' Keith said, as he kissed Lance's throat.
Lance's breath hitched as he tipped his head back and closed his eyes.
A knock at the door brought them back to the present.
Keith signed and answered it and found Shiro and a young cadet standing there with a stack of boxes on a trolley.
‘That was quick,’ Keith said, stepping back so the young cadet could unload the boxes.
‘No point in delaying it,' said Shiro. ‘Label the boxes with your names and leave them outside the door to be collected.’
‘Thanks, Shiro,' Keith said, closing the door again.
Lance had already put a box together and sat it on the bed.
‘It's lucky we don't own much,' said Lance, ‘and most of Molly's things are still packed in the other room.’ In a bag that came with the boxes was tape and a marker. ‘We should keep one box for things we'll need for today and tomorrow.’
They started sorting through their belongings and packing boxes. An hour later there was a knock at the door.
‘Come in,' Lance called.
The door and opened Coran came in, with a huge smile on his face. ‘The healing pods are free...’ His voice trailed off when he saw the boxes. ‘What are you doing?’
‘Since you're going to New Altea tomorrow, we're packing because we're not coming with you,’ Lance said.
‘But why?' asked Coran, 'you're the paladins of Voltron…’
‘Not anymore,’ said Keith, cutting him off. ‘We're staying on Earth.’
A look of panic crossed Coran's face and the spun around and hurried out of the room.
‘Now it starts,' Lance said.
And start it did. Ten minutes later Allura burst though their door.
‘No, no, no, what are you doing?' she cried. Running to the box she started unpacking it.
‘Allura, stop,' Lance said, as he put the items back.
‘You can't do this,’ she said. Tears ran down her face, her eyes pleaded with them.
‘Allura,’ said Keith, as he took her hands and made her face him. ‘You're going to New Altea, and we don't belong there. Earth is our home and this is where we all wait to stay.’
‘All?' she asked.
‘Yes,' said Keith. ‘We all made the decision to stay here.'
‘This is unacceptable,' said Alfor from the door. ‘Just because the Galra have been defeated here, doesn't mean the war is over. There are still worlds that need Voltron. New Altea will be the base from which Voltron will operate.'
Keith turned to him and saw Franklin standing next to him. A sriver ran down his spine.
‘There's no reason that can't still happen, it will just be with different paladins,’ Keith said.
‘We don't have time to find new paladins,’ said Alfor. ‘And you need to come with us, you don't belong here.’
‘Earth is the only home I've ever know,’ said Keith, ‘and this is where I'm staying, and living with my family.’
‘We're your family, 'said Alfor, ‘Franklin is your father.'
Keith looked at Franklin. ‘I guess you didn't fill him in on all the details,’ he snapped.
‘Shut up,' Franklin said.
‘What is he talking about?' asked Alfor.
‘I don't know, don't believe his lies,' Franklin muttered.
‘You never wondered why Shiro said he and Adam are my parents…’
‘…shut up…’ Franklin growled.
‘…it's because your brothers is…’
‘…I said shut up…’
‘…an abusive drunk, who walked out on me when I was eight.'
‘SHUT UP,’ Franklin yelled. He jumped out from behind Alfor and punched Keith splitting his lip, only this time Keith fought back.
Keith swung his right fist which connected with Franklin's jaw. Alfor scrambled out of the way as Franklin stumbled and fell back into the corridor, and Keith followed him out. All his anger and hurt took over.
Franklin's yell of shut up had brought the others hurrying out of their room in time to see Franklin jump to his feet and swing a punch at Keith, but this time Keith was prepared and the punch barely moved him.
Keith grabbed the front of Franklin's shirt in both hands, and in a show of brute strength, lifted him from the ground and threw him into the wall opposite. Franklin hit the wall with a sickening thud and collapsed to the floor in a heap.
Keith began advancing on him, but Lance wrapped his arms around him from behind to hold him back.
‘Keith no,’ Lance said.
‘LET ME GO,’ Keith yelled, as he struggle against Lance‘s hold.
Shiro ran forward and planted himself in front of Keith and helped Lance get him back into the room. Adam ran in ahead of them and grabbed Molly and brought her out of the room. He knew Keith would never hurt her on purpose, but he was angry and not in control of his actions.
When the door closed behind him, Shiro locked it.
‘GET OUT OF THE WAY,’ Keith yelled, trying to get to get away from Lance and get to the door.
‘Baby, he's not worth it,’ Lance said.
'Keith, listen to him,’ said Shiro. ‘You stood up to him, and you won. He's not getting up from that in a hurry, he can't hurt you any more.’
Keith stopped struggling against Lance's hold. When Lance loosened Keith turned in his arms and lay his head on Lance's shoulder. Lance held him tight and ran his hands over Keith’s back to sooth his shaking body.
Shiro sighed and moved over to them and put his arms around them and held them tight a moment.
‘I don't want to see him again,’ Keith murmured.
‘I'll make sure he doesn't come near you,' Shiro said. With that he left the room.
They heard Shiro outside the door, but couldn't understand what was being said.

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