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'KEITH,' Lance cried, and spring from the bed.
There was a knock at the door.
‘Lance,' said Coran, ‘let me in.'
Lance jumped upand unlocked the door, before returning to Keith and pulling him into his arms.
He looked up at Coran. ‘He stood up and just collapsed to the floor.’
Coran felt for a pulse.
‘His heart rates a little high, but strong,’ said Coran. ‘I suspect he fainted.'
‘Yes, but I think he's fine,' said Coran. ‘He has used his powers twice in two days to heal you, and he stopped a volcano erupting more. It's taken a told on him. While he may use the planets quintessence to heal someone, he also uses some of his own each time.’
‘ that why I can feel him…his emotions…his…oh, I don't know how to explain it,' said Lance. ‘When he touches me…I can feel his fingers against my skin…but I can also feel what my skin feels like beneath his fingers.'
‘Only when he heals you?' asked Coran.
‘Mainly, but sometimes when we're…making love…I can feel so much more,’ said Lance, ‘it's fleeting, but it's there.'
‘That's a rare gift indeed,' said Coran, softly. ‘It probably means he trusts you with his most intimate, and vulnerable side. As he gets more control of his powers this will become less fleeting, and more intense.'
‘So, this is normal for an Ancient Altean?' asked Lance.
‘No, my boy,’ said Coran, grasping Lance's shoulder. ‘This is unique to you and him, and may be due to the fact you’re his Galran sides soulmate. You see, usually Ancient Altean's are only Altean. I can't find any information in our history of a halfbreed one.’
‘Trust Keith to be different,' Lance said.
Shiro walked in just as Keith started to come around.
‘What happened?' asked Shiro, alarmed.
‘He fainted,' said Coran, standing. ‘He's completely fine, just over exerting his powers.’
Shiro stared at Coran as the Altean left.
Lance helped Keith to his feet and steadied him.
‘Are you okay?' asked Shiro.
‘I think so,' said Keith. ‘A bit tired and hungry. I can't believe I fainted like some girl.'
‘Baby, you did it with way more style,’ Lance said.
‘Gee, thanks,’ Keith said.
‘You should lay down and rest a while,' Shiro said.
‘I'm fine,' said Keith. ‘Besides, we were on our way to find you. Where are all their superior ships. They wouldn't need anyone's help with them.'
Shiro thought. ’You're right. There's not even a shipyard over the planet anywhere. I was on my way to the bridge when I stopped by. Allura needs to know this.’
They followed Shiro to the control room.
‘Pidge, can you scan the space around the planet and look for a shipyard,’ Shiro said.
‘Sure, it won't be hard to find,’ she said. A few minutes later she turned to Shiro. 'There are no shipyards, just a lot of debris.‘
‘That can't be right,’ Allura said.
‘If they had ships, they wouldn't need us,' Lance said.
‘We need to talk to Odana,' Allura said.
The paladins followed Allura to the medical bay. When they got to the door, Keith took Lance's hand and moved in front of him protectively.
As they entered the Okarians looked at Keith and Lance in disgust.
‘Princess Odana, where are you ships?' asked Allura.
‘I want those disgusting...' began Odana.
‘Answer the question,' snapped Allura, 'where are your ships?'
‘Destroyed,' Odana said.
‘How? 'asked Allura.
‘Now that the Galran have been driven back, a new threat has emerged,' said Odana. ‘They call themselves Carandians.’
‘What' said Keith. ‘They're here in this sector?’
Shiro turned to him. ‘You've heard of them?’
‘The Blade said they were taking over Galran territory, but i didn't know they'd come this far. According to the Blade, the Galran and the Carandians have been vying for dominance.'
‘And what would you know about the Blade of Mamora filth,’ Odana hissed.
‘Keith is the Blade's leader,' Allura said.
Odana looked at Keith stunned.
‘That's why Lotor promised to bring back the Ancient Altean,’ said Shiro. ‘To use as a weapon against the Carandians.’
‘The Galra wait for Lotor to return,’ said Odana, ‘so they can continue the fight against them.’
‘They still don't know he's dead,' Pidge said.
‘Lotor's dead?' demanded Odana. ‘Without him to lead the Galra, the Carandians will over power this sector.’
‘Where is their home world?’ asked Allura.
‘According to all reports it’s uninhabitable,’ said Odana. ‘They stripped the resources from it and were forced to leave. They live on massive ships and take what they want from planets, like a plauge. If you're captured, you're used as food to feed the ever growing number of people on the ships.'
‘That's disgusting,' Hunk said.
‘Disgusting or not, paladin, it's reality,' Odana said.
Keith pulled out his datapad. ‘I'll get the Blade to let me know of any sightings,’ he said.
When Keith let go of Lance's hand, Lance unthinkingly moved closer an put a hand on Keith's hip as he peered over his shoulder.
Odana looked like she was going to explode.
'Must you flaunt your perversion?’ Odana demanded.
Lance pulled his hand away, and stepped back.
Keith’s eyes narrowed. ‘When we’re on your planet we'll keep our hands to ourselves,’ said Keith, ‘but here in the Castle you can't tell us what to do, and if I ever find out who pushed Lance out of yellow lion, I will personally push them out an airlock.’
‘Are you going to let him speak to me like that?’ Odana asked Allura.
‘I agree with my cousin,' said Allura. ‘The Castle is Altean property, therefore falls under Altean laws.'
‘Cousin?' asked Odana, in a small voice.
‘Correct, Keith is an AItean prince,’ She looked at Lance, then back to Odana. ‘Which makes Lance an prince of Altea, and any attempt on his life is treason against the crown. Pidge, Hunk, can you please start taking to Okarians back to their planet.'
‘Yes, princess,' Hunk said.
Following Allura back to the control room, Lance worried that Keith had pushed his luck with Allura.
‘That woman is one of the most horrible people I've ever met,' Allura said. She rubbed her temples with her fingers, then turned to Keith. ‘I know you're angry, but please don't push anyone out of the airlock. I suggest you both stay as far away from them as you can, until we can leave. And Lance, I want to apologise to you for how I acted about coming here. I ended up pushing you into a situation that put your life in danger.‘
‘Go on you two,’ said Shiro, ‘get some rest.'

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