Looking After Family

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Needing to talk to someone about their predicament, Keith and Lance went downstairs and spoke to Maria and Jorge.

They were just as shocked and worried about the news, but soon reassured them that they would be able to protect the baby, all of them together as a family would look out for it.

'There is no point in waiting for the worst to happen,' said Maria, gently. 'If you do that, you will miss out on enjoying everything your baby has to offer. I know our situation was not the same, but we worried as new parents that something could happen to hurt out babies. It's a natural instinct to want to protect them.'

Jorge nodded. 'Don't' let your fears stop you from living your lives.'

Keith leant back in the chair and nodded. 'We know your right, and we will try out best to get on with things.'

'We know you will,' said Maria. 'We will always be here for you when you need to talk things through.'

It was almost lunch time when they decided to go and have a shower and dress.

Keith sat on the bed and called Adam to let him know what was going on, as Lance went downstairs.

'Maria and Jorge are right,' said Adam. 'As hard as it will be, you just need to live your lives.'

'Doesn't make it any easier,' said Keith, 'and there's not much point in worrying until it's born.' He was quiet a moment. 'Let Shiro know, yeah?'

'I will, Keith. I'm sorry he's being so stupid about this, he's been a bit stressed lately, not that it's an excuse, but you know how he gets. He's been at the Garrison every day since before the wedding, but I don't know what is going on.'

'He could be trying to help find new paladins, except that's not something he would need to keep secret,' Keith mused.

'That's what I thought at first,' said Adam. 'I figured we'd find out when the time was right.'

Keith nodded. 'I better let you go.'

'Don't stress, Keith. Okay? You'll only make yourself sick if you do.'

Keith nodded again. 'I'll do my best. Bye.'

He went and joined the others at the table for lunch and shot a look at Lance when they were all settled.

'Keith and I were talking while we were on our honeymoon,' began Lance, 'about wanting to do something for you for helping us out with the kids and everything.'

'There's not need...' Maria began.

'Please,' interrupted Lance. 'Please, let us give something back to you. The two of you have always work so hard for this family, working long hours, taking on extra jobs when needed. Papa, you had to give up the orchard out the back because it wasn't bringing in the money to support us all.'

'That's what you do for family,' Jorge said.

'Yes,' said Lance, 'and we're your family so we want to give you a monthly 'allowance' for want of a better word, so that you can live comfortably, but not have to go to work anymore. Where you could go and work in the orchard and sell your fruit down on the corner for fun. Mama, you could do the pottery you always wanted to make and sell.'

Maria and Jorge looked at the with wide-eyes. Maria suddenly blinked away the tears that filled her eyes.

'Please let us do this for you,' Keith said, softly.

'We want to give you $10,000 a month...'

'Oh no, that's far too much if we were to agree...'

'No it's not,' said Keith. 'It's the perfect amount for everything you've done for this family, and for me since I've come here. It's not a way to buy your love, because you can't put a price on something like that. It a way to show our appreciation and to tell you that you can start taking some time for yourselves. We know Leo and Rachel still need help with a lot of things, and we're here to help with that as well.'

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