The Team Find Out

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For the next three weeks, Lance felt like everything went in slow motion. He refused to be in the same room as Allura unless absolutely necessary, and when he went out in Blue to battle, he worried what she might do to the healing pod in his absence.
When he wasn't fighting, he sat beside the pod and waited.
Pidge and Hunk wanted to know what was going on, and Shiro told them to leave Lance be, and when Lance was ready, they would find out.
After returning from a mission Lance went back to the medical bay to find Allura standing near the pod.
'What are you doing?' Lance demanded, hurrying into the room.
He grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the pod and checked the settings. When he was satisfied nothing looked out of place, he turned to her.
'Get away from him,' snapped Lance, 'I don't want you anywhere near him.'
'You're being unreasonable...' Allura began.
'Unreasonable,' he hissed. 'I'm not the one who shot him for no reason.'
'He's Galra, that's reason enough,' she shot back. 'He can't be trusted.'
'He's still, Keith, and you know him. He would never betray us,' Lance said.
'Oh, don't be so naive,' she said, 'he's playing you; he's play all of you. That's what they do. They draw you in and then strike when you're the most vulnerable.'
'Princess,' Shiro snapped as he entered. 'You need to leave, now.'
Allura huffed and strode out of the medical bay, almost colliding with Pidge and Hunk.
They frowned and peered in the door.
Shiro and lance spoke briefly, but they couldn't hear what was said. When Shiro turned to leave, they hid on the other side of the door where he wouldn't see them.
'I wish I knew what was going on,' whispered Hunk, as he eyed Lance.
'It's weird,' admitted Pidge. 'I mean, I know Lance has a thing of Keith, but he's never been this worried before.'
'He did see Keith get shot by Allura,' Hunk said.
'That would play with your mind,' acknowledged Pidge.
Their attention was caught by the sound of the pod opening.
Lance jumped forward as Keith stumbled out into his arms and Pidge and Hunk hurried in to join their teammates.
'How long have I been in there?' asked Keith. His body felt tired and weak.
'4 weeks,' Lance said.
Keith put his hands on Lance's chest and stood up straighter. When he saw his hands, he realised he was still in his Galia form and changed back. 'Are you okay?' he asked as he stepped back from Lance when he noticed Pidge and Hunk coming towards them.
Lance nodded and stuffed his hands in his pockets. 'I came out of the pod three weeks ago.'
'Yeah, and then spent all his time in here mopping around,' said Pidge, hoping to get a rise from her friend.
Keith's eyes narrowed at Lance. 'What's happened?' He also expected Lance to keep up the pretense of being rivals, but something was off, and he wanted to know what it was.
'Shiro guessed,' Lance said.
'Of course, he did,' Keith muttered, rubbing his hands over his face.
'Guessed what?' asked Hunk, looking between the two of them.
'We hadn't planned on telling anyone yet,' said Keith, 'but, Lance and I are together.'
The three young men jumped when Pidge let out a squeak of delight and launched herself into Lance's arms, almost knocking him off his feet. She was gentler when she subjected Keith to a hug as well.
Hunk blinked at Keith. 'We thought you were straight.'
'I'm bi,' Keith said.
'Ohh, that makes more sense when you consider Greg's reaction to you going out with that blonde girl,' Hunk said.
'Whoa. Greg, as in six foot tall and looked like he ate glass for breakfast,' Lance said.
Keith grimaced. 'And who is scared of the dark, and clowns. I mean, what's with that.'
Pidge chuckled, as Keith rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands.
Lance went and put his arm around Keith's shoulders. 'Come on, you need sleep.'
Hunk and Pidge watched them leave.
'Do you think it's serious between them?' ask Hunk. 'I know Lance has had a thing for Keith, but is Keith serious? I don't want Lance hurt by a fling with him.'
'I guess only they know the answer to that,' Pidge said.
'Hmm, I guess, but I will pommel Keith if he hurts Lance,' Hunk said.

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